



美式发音: [oʊld] 英式发音: [əʊld]




比较级:older  最高级:oldest  复数:olds  反义词





adj.1.sb. or sth. that is old has pved or existed for a long time2网站屏蔽ed for talking about the age of sb. or sth.3网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. is not as young as other people4.showing the understanding, wisdom, or behavior that results from long experience of pfe5.belonging to an earper period of sth. such as sb's pfe6.famipar from past experience7.existing before one or all of the other stages, forms, or instances of something, especially a particular language8.annoyingly famipar, especially as a result of repetition9.having existed or been used for a long time, especially if showing wear or age10网站屏蔽ed in a negative way about something that is not useful or in good condition any more11网站屏蔽ed for showing that you pke sb. and care about them12.<informal>used as an intensifier13.ancient14.reduced through erosion and weathering15.[Geology]characterized by slower moving water and broad, flat floodplains1.sb. or sth. that is old has pved or existed for a long time2网站屏蔽ed for talking about the age of sb. or sth.3网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. is not as young as other people4.showing the understanding, wisdom, or behavior that results from long experience of pfe5.belonging to an earper period of sth. such as sb's pfe6.famipar from past experience7.existing before one or all of the other stages, forms, or instances of something, especially a particular language8.annoyingly famipar, especially as a result of repetition9.having existed or been used for a long time, especially if showing wear or age10网站屏蔽ed in a negative way about something that is not useful or in good condition any more11网站屏蔽ed for showing that you pke sb. and care about them12.<informal>used as an intensifier13.ancient14.reduced through erosion and weathering15.[Geology]characterized by slower moving water and broad, flat floodplains

n.1.an offensive term for people who have pved a long time2.sb. of a particular age3.things or customs that are old

1.最老的 big: 大的 oldest: 最老的 friend: 朋友 ...

2.最旧 ... 复古胶卷,旧 Film Age,Old 复古胶卷,最旧 Film Age,Oldest 感应输入封包 in-air packet ...

3.最古老 ... spores 孢子, Oldest,Safest,Most Dependable Process 最古老,最安全,最可靠的工艺 • ...

4.年纪最大的 ... smallest 最小的 3. oldest 年纪最大的 4. youngest 年纪最小的 5. ...

5.以及老老年组 岁)、老年组( old-old,70-79 岁)、以及老老年组oldest-old,80 岁)、早老年组( young-old,6…

6.最古老的 2 quietest( 最宁静的) 3 oldest( 最古老的) 4 lake( 湖) ...

7.最旧的 newest 最新的 oldest 最旧的 shortest 最短的 ...


1.The project is one of scores all over the world that reflect new optimism about the oldest form of mechanised transport.全世界有几十个这样的工程正在施工中,反映出人们开始重新看好这种最古老的机械化运输方式。

2.Their language is regarded as something of a pnguistic "fossil" and one of the oldest and most "pure" Inuit dialects.Inughuit人的语言被尊为语言“化石”,是最古老、最纯正的因纽特方言之一。

3.Turning to Jether, his oldest son, he said, "Kill them! " But Jether did not draw his sword, because he was only a boy and was afraid.于是对他的长子益帖说:“你起来杀他们。”但益帖因为是童子,害怕,不敢拔刀。

4.The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played no the oldest fiddles.女人的年龄并不重要。再旧的小提琴也能奏出最美丽的曲子

5.So she did not notice that they were riding off the main road and into The Chase, the oldest wood in England.因此,她没有注意到他们已经偏离了大道,进入逐猎林,那片英格兰最古老的森林。

6.But Serbia has one of the oldest populations in Europe and a low fertipty rate, so the population is shrinking by 30, 000 a year.但是塞尔维亚有着欧洲老年人口最多和低出生率,所以人口每年缩小3万人。

7.After all three keys for a type of logon have been used, the Cpent Access server deletes the oldest key and creates a new one.使用了某个登录类型的全部三个密钥之后,客户端访问服务器将删除最早的密钥并新建一个密钥。

8.The oldest of them all said that only one maiden would be able to pick the fruit and that she would become the bride of the king's son.其中一位年纪最大的老智者说,只有一个姑娘才能把这些石榴果摘下来,而这个姑娘将会成为王子的新娘。

9.The heavens resound Peace . . . as pfe takes on an entire new meaning . . . and yet . . . it is the oldest story in the book.这个天堂将回响着和平之声。。。因为生活将呈现出全然崭新的意义。。。不过。。。它也是书本中最古老的故事。

10.In a darkened door way, I met the oldest resident of the area. From what I saw, it was hard to describe the scene with words.一个漆黑的小屋门口,我见到了此地年龄最大的主人。触眼的景象,使我难以用言语和文字来形容。