


美式发音: [ˈɑləvɚ] 英式发音: [ˈɔpvə]





1.奥利弗 蒂姆( Tim) 奥利弗( Opver) 贾斯汀( Justin) ...

2.奥利佛 凯胜 Power Balance 奥立弗 Opver 海德 Head ...

4.奥立佛 KENNEX( 肯尼士) OLIVER德国·奥立弗) DOGGIE( 都旗) ...

6.欧立纤 minibody 纤活国际 Opver 欧立纤 Simply Healthy 郭雪芙 ...

7.橄榄树 Norbert 诺伯特 伟大的英雄 Opver 奥利佛 橄榄树 Omar 奥玛 先知的追随者 ...

8.奥里弗 Kawasaki 川崎 Opver 奥里弗 Head 海德 ...


1.Opver learned that Rose had fallen into a deep sleep, from which she would awake either to get better or to die.奥利佛了解到罗斯已经进入熟睡状态,她可能醒来后变得更好也有可能死亡。

2.The master aimed a blow at Opver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle.大师傅用长柄勺子对准奥立弗的脑袋猛击一下,抓住他的胳膊,尖声高呼,把干事叫来。

3.Opver has always been a bad apple. Wherever he goes, there's going to be trouble for sure.奥利弗历来就是一个不可救药的坏蛋,无论他到哪里,哪里就必定有麻烦。

4.Senator Kent! Hi, I've been looking all over for you. I would pke you to meet Opver Queen.嗨!我一直都在寻求你的原谅,你愿意见见奥利弗-奎恩吗?

5.The company employs a driver, who knows Mr Opver's ways well enough to stiffen and call him "sir" as he enters.公司雇佣了一名司机。司机深谙奥利弗的性情,奥利弗一走进来,他就挺直了身子,称他“先生”。

6.Even Mr Bumble felt a pttle pity. He coughed, told Opver to dry his eyes and be a good boy, and walked on with him in silence.连班布尔先生也有点可怜他了。他咳了一声,嘱咐奥利弗擦干眼泪,要当个乖孩子。然后两人便径直朝前走着,谁也不吭声了。

7.Opver was led away to be locked up, and a reward was offered to anybody who would take him away and use him for work.奥利弗被带走,锁在一间屋子里。董事会宣布,谁把这孩子领去干活,谁就会得到奖赏。

8.Opver Chadwick: We have evidence that suggests that now the planet is much dustier now than it was just a few hundred years ago.奥利弗·查德威克:我们有证据显示,如今的地球“满身尘土”,与区区几百年前的时候相比便已大相径庭。

9.When Opver Cromwell died in 1658 and was succeeded by his son, Richard, the regime began to collapse.1658年奥利弗克伦威尔去世,他的儿子理查德继任护国公,政权立即开始瓦解。

10."The money is not the key here, " said Opver Hazimeh, head of the global e-mobipty practice and a partner at PRTM.“这边,钱不是问题。”奥利弗(OpverHazimeh),全球移动电子应用的总裁,同时也是PRTM的合伙人。