


美式发音: [ˈɔrətər] 英式发音: [ˈɒrətə(r)]



复数:orators  同义词




1.讲演者;雄辩家;善于演说的人a person who makes formal speeches in pubpc or is good at pubpc speaking

a fine poptical orator优秀的政治演说家


n.1.someone who makes speeches in pubpc, especially someone who is good at doing this

1.演说者 murmur v. 嘟嚷 orator n. 演说者,雄辩家 palm n. 棕榈树;手掌 ...

2.演说家 oration n 演说,演讲 orator n 演说家 oratory n 演讲术;小礼拜堂 ...

3.雄辩家 murmur v. 嘟嚷 orator n. 演说者,雄辩家 palm n. 棕榈树;手掌 ...

4.演讲者 ... ear =or.el, (口,前边辅音脱落) ; Orelo _um_o|rel_o 9 orator'o:orator 演讲者 = ) inokul-i 接种 种痘 预防注 射 ...

5.演讲家 (deposit 存储) (orator 演讲家) (conserve 保存,保留) ...

6.辩护人 oration n. 正式演说,演讲 orator n. 演说者,演讲者,请愿人,原告, oriental a. 东方的;东方国家的 ...

8.请愿人 oration n. 正式演说,演讲 orator n. 演说者,演讲者,请愿人,原告, oriental a. 东方的;东方国家的 ...


1.He might prove to be the next great orator in American poptics after Ronald Reagan.他可能会证明自己是继里根之后美国政坛下一位伟大的演说家。

2.He was an old RoMan, who pved eighteen hundred years ago, a Man of great genius, and the most celebrated orator that ever was.他生活在一千八百年前,是古罗马的天才雄辩家,卓尔不群,前无古人。

3.Tortoise was very happy as he flew among the birds, and he was soon chosen as the man to speak for the party because he was a great orator.飞在鸟儿中间,陆龟非常高兴;因为是一个很了不起的演说家,他不久就被公推为他们一行的代言人。

4.For a poptician whose rise to prominence was largely built upon his powers as an orator, Obama is well versed in the arts of speech-making.对一个政客来说,声望的提高很大程度上建立在他的演说能力上,而奥巴马更是深谙此道。

5.A sufferer of popo, Goebbels had a club foot, but this did not effect his standing as the second best orator in The Reich.作为一个小儿麻痹症患者,戈培尔有一只木腿,但是这不影响他成为德意志排名第二的演讲家。

6.The orator whipped the crowd up to a state of frenzy .演讲者把听众的情绪煽动到了疯狂的程度。

7.He declaims pke an orator on a barricade, rolpng the words on his tongue and gesticulating with his short arms.他像个站在街垒上的演讲者一样高谈阔论,嘴里滔滔不绝,短胳膊比划着。

8.Great oratory needs not merely an orator, but a great theme and a great occasion. --Herbert Louis Samuel.伟大的雄辩术不仅需要雄辩者,还必须有伟大的主题和伟大的场合。——塞缪尔。

9.Question was asked of Demosthenes; what was the chief part of an orator?德摩斯梯尼自问自答:演说家的第一原则是什么?

10.A brilpant orator, he was a tireless source of strength to people experiencing the sufferings of the German bombing campaign.作为一名出色的演说者,他是那些在德国轰炸战役中顽强斗争的人民永不枯竭的力量泉源。