




1.维纳种刻画领导行为 的因素;后来霍尔平(Halpin)维纳(Winer)将冗长的原始领导行为调查表减少 到130 个项 目,并最终将领导 …

2.温纳 ... Toshiba( 东芝)007,011,012 Winer( 纬能)028,144,145 Phipps( 飞利浦)049,080,117 ...

6.温那1989年,温那WINER)在解释CRM的定义时指出:CRM指的是通过一个团体,而不是两三个训练有素的个体来完成飞行任 …

7.纳过程当 时间步长趋于无穷小时,离散变量 x 就成为连续的随 机过程———布朗运动, 用 B ( t ) 表示, 也叫维纳过程 (Winer) 。维纳过程 …

8.温能尔1961年温能尔(Winer)更发现如果病人的盐摄取量超过每天15至20公克,则可完抵消利尿剂的降压效果。因此美国第六次高血压 …


1.Asked to comment on his own plans to give up blogging, Mr Winer said he would reply only through the medium of his blog.当被要求就自己放弃写博客的计划发表评论时,温纳表示,他只会通过他的博客这一媒介来回答。

2.Well, in winer the windows and doors stays closed and the viruses stay in the air waiting for you to breathe them in.因为在冬天,窗户和门都是关着的。病毒留在空气里等你把它们吸进去。

3.The Dark Cabaloneyhas do not pke such success: they haudio-videoe ways of destroying winer is good.暗中团体不在乎胜利了,他们只摧毁好的事物。听说黑暗圣经地址。

4.Dave Winer is right about one of the reasons: that Google Reader wasn't a river of news.大卫·温拿的其中的一个原因是对的:谷歌阅读器不是信息之河。

5.A winer in one's own country is better than passing a hundred springs abroad.在祖国过一个冬天,胜过在异国过一百个春天。

6.So the Amber Room became part of the Czar's winer palace in St Petersburg .所以琥珀房成了沙皇的一部分现在在圣彼得堡宫殿。

7.Nobel peace prize winer Henry Kissinger (right) with Richard Nixon.和里查德·尼克松一起的诺贝尔和平奖获得者亨利·基辛格(HenryKissinger)。

8.their boots are very important in the cold winer.在寒冷的冬季,他们的靴子非常重要。

9.He was born in Shanghai. He was winer of Olympic Games 2004.他出生于上海市,他是2004年奥运会冠军。

10.Madison Industries. This is Cathy Winer speaking. Can I help you?Madison工业,我是CathyWiner,我能帮您吗?