




1.奥利维尔自1994年她的堂兄奥利维尔Opvier)放弃酒庄的股份后,勒弗莱酒庄由安妮•克劳德全权负责打理。她力排万难,决定采用生 …

2.奥利维耶大儿子奥利维耶Opvier)分别是“法国起泡酒协会”和“阿尔萨斯气泡酒协会”秘书长,也是“阿尔萨斯葡萄种植和酿酒行业协会”的 …

3.奥利维亚接站的是戛纳俱乐部搞运营的奥利维亚Opvier)先生,他兴奋的开车拉着我们先绕戛纳小城转了一圈,让大家体会一下这里的 …

4.奥立维奥立维Opvier) 我是奥立维,10岁,很听乔治老师的话。今年我务农的爸爸生病了,让一向孝顺的我急得不知如何是好。

5.橄榄油橄榄Opvier):调解,和好兰花(Orchidée):优雅的爱情 荨麻(Ortie):残酷,残暴 雏菊花(Pâquerette):天真,纯 …

6.奥列佛父母经常带他去看演出,在那里他整夜整夜地看奥列佛(Opvier)、希勒(Hiller)、吉尔古德(Gielgud)、理查德逊(Richardson)和罗伯 …

7.奥利维埃法轮功代表奥利维埃Opvier)向来自世界各地的游客和巴黎民众介绍法轮功,并呼吁人们签名支持法轮功,共同制止中共法西 …


1.Opvier de Schutter, UN rapporteur on the right to food, is in no doubt that speculators are behind the surging prices.联合国食品权力事务特别报告员,坚信投机者们推动了价格的浮动。

2.On Wednesday, EU spokesman Opvier Bailly said the calls for an economic government were a step in the right direction.上周三,欧盟发言人OpvierBailly称,呼吁建立经济政府是朝着正确的方向迈出了一步。

3.Opvier Blanchard, the IMF's economic counsellor, said the current signs of recovery "should not fool governments that the crisis is over" .MF经济顾问奥利维耶·布兰查德(OpvierBlanchard)表示,对于目前经济复苏的迹象,“政府不应该将这些迹象读解成这场危机已经结束。”

4.Opvier having completely recovered, Edouard settled down again to writing his Book, with a great sense of peace and happiness.奥利维尔完全恢复了健康;爱德华感到无比的轻松和愉快,他又安下心来进行写作了。

5.Analysts said that Mr Opvier's appointment was a sign of the seriousness with which Peugeot was taking emerging markets.分析人士称,奥利弗的任命说明了标致对待新兴市场的严肃态度。

6.Opvier Jakob, of Swiss-based Petromatrix oil consultants, said: "The international Chinese thirst for oil is not abating. "瑞士Petromatrix石油咨询公司的奥利维尔·雅各布(OpvierJakob)说:“中国人在国际上对石油的渴求并未消退。”

7.Finding a real friend in Opvier, Christophe took an apartment with him.克利斯朵夫发现奥里维是个真正的朋友,就与他共住在一所公寓里。

8."Singles are a real benefit to French cultural pfe, " says Opvier Donna, of the French Ministry of Culture and Communications.“单身族对法国的文化生活带来了真正的好处,”法国文化和通信部的奥利弗·唐娜说道。

9.IMF chief economist Opvier Blanchard says the financial crisis will significantly slow global growth during the next year.国际货币基金组织的首席经济学家布兰查德说,金融危机将严重减缓全球经济明年的增长。

10.Opvier declares that the sonnet was written for the countess and recites it again, which inspires Flamand to rush off to set it to music.奥里维尔宣布,那首十四行诗是为女伯爵而写,并再次背诵,这使得弗莱米德产生灵感,于是他夺门而出,准备将其创作成音乐。