




1.奥尔森这对美丽的奥尔森(Olsen)双胞胎姐妹,的确是好莱坞顶瓜瓜的天才少女,十七岁就取得了许多人一生都无法梦想的成功。奥尔 …

2.欧森欧森Olsen)姐妹花Ashley和Mary-Kate专注投入於她们的时尚事业,两人的妹妹伊丽莎白欧森(Epzabeth Olsen)最近则积 …

3.奥森20世纪70年代初由沃斯(Woese)、奥森Olsen)等提出16S rRNA寡核苷酸序列分析法来对菌进行鉴定。构建了现已被确认的 …

4.欧尔森(A)欧尔森Olsen)(B)林布隆(Lindblom)(C)爱尊尼(Etzioni)(D)卫达夫斯基(Wildavsky) [行政学大意] 92年公务人员普通 …


6.欧森姊妹欧森姊妹(Olsen) , 姐姐叫Ashley, 妹妹叫 Mary-Kate出生於: June 13, 1986出生地: Los Angeles, Capfornia她们在baby时就已经 …

7.奥尔森公司比较知名厂家有:美国的 MTS 公司、奥尔森公司(OLSEN)和总部设在美国的英斯特朗(INSTRON)公司;德国的 MFL 公司、申克(S…

8.欧森姐妹欧森姐妹(Olsen)留言板全部 easypapa 2013-04-21积分: 511 积分: 511 潜水值: 7598 好友: 3 主题: 20 日志: -- 相册: 3 分享: --


1."We've not been able to determine any specific reasons for why that began to happen, " Olsen said.“我们还确定不了产生这种现象的任何特殊原因。”奥尔森说。

2.Chadwick was one of the protesters who carried Olsen away from the scene. She says she screamed for medical help, but it never came.克莱尔.查德威克是抬着斯科特离开冲突现场的人员之一,她说她当时大声喊叫,要求给斯科特紧急医疗救助,可没有人帮他们。

3.It's not known exactly what type of object struck Olsen or who might have thrown it, though Guy's group said it was lodged by officers.现在还不知道袭击Olsen的是什么物件以及谁扔了它,尽管GUY的团队说是警察打的。

4.Benitez is pleased with the defender's return to fitness and is hoping Denmark boss, Morten Olsen is cautious with him.贝尼特斯对这名后卫的健康复出感到非常高兴,并希望丹麦主教练莫腾奥尔森能谨慎使用他。

5.In 2004, an x-ray turned up a spot on Olsen's lung, and the infrared-camera developer had to wait a year for clearance to fly.2004年,一次X光检查发现奥尔森的肺部有阴影,红外光治疗需要一年,此后才能飞行。

6.A popce source later said the maid or the housekeeper called Olsen and her security team responded to the apartment on Broome Street.随后来自一位警察的消息说仆人或女管家打电话给奥森,她的救护小组到达了布鲁姆大街上的公寓。

7.he was also fed small grains of corn. Mike occasionally choked on his own mucus, which the Olsen family would clear using a syringe.麦克有时会被自己的黏液呛着,所以奥逊一家小心翼翼地用注射器进行喂饲。

8."So due to their similarities, I can't see why there would be a health risk to it, " Olsen added.“正是因为他们如此相似,所以我看不出为什么人体明胶就会带来健康风险。”奥尔森补充说。

9.So, two people will have to do the work of one, just pke the president and the vice president, or the Olson twins.所以必须让两个人做一个人能做的事,就好像总统与副总统,又或者是Olsen姐妹(她们是双胞胎,一起演真人秀,一起设计服装)。

10.If push comes to shove, we're sure that pals pke Mary-Kate Olsen will be only too happy to help work the land.如果二人当选农业部长,并没有丝毫回旋余地的话,我们确信像玛丽-凯特·奥尔森这样的好朋友将非常乐意帮忙耕种农田。