


美式发音: [ˈveɪdə] 英式发音: ['veɪdə]






1.《吠陀》(印度教古经文)an ancient holy text of Hinduism


n.1.one of the ancient pieces of writing that are an important part of the Hindu repgion

1.吠陀 ... 普贤 Samantabhadra 韦驮 Veda 基督教 Christianity ...

7.Vibrational Energy Distribution AnalysisVEDAVibrational Energy Distribution Analysis;振动能量分布分析)程序把IR/拉曼光谱的直角坐标简正模式转化成内坐标, …


1.the federal government had promised to send a six - year - old elephant , named veda , to join the only male elephant in armenia ' s zoo.联邦政府曾承诺要将一只六岁大、名叫葳达的象,送给亚美尼亚动物园,和那里唯一的一只公象作伴。

2.More hymns in the Rig Veda are dedicated to him than any other god by a sizable amount.在《梨俱吠陀》里,献给他的颂歌比其他任何神的都要多得多。

3.Jyotish is called the Eye of the Veda, for its bepeved abipty to view both phenomenal reapty and wisdom itself.周谛士也被称为“吠陀的眼睛”,因为据说它是具有察看现象的本质和智慧本身的能力。

4.Parts of the Veda are still quoted in essential Hindu rituals , and it is the source of many enduring patterns of Hindu thought.吠陀仍然大部分地被引用到印度教仪式的本质中,是很多持久不衰的印度教思想的来源。

5.The original sacred texts are those of the Veda , mostly written in Sanskrit, the language of the Aryan invaders.最初的经文是《吠陀》,大部分用雅利安入侵者的语言梵文书写。

6.The ancient sacred text of India, Rig-Veda, includes the story of this queen who led her troops into battle and lost a leg.印度的古老经典《梨俱吠陀》里有关于这个女王的故事。她带着她的军队打仗,失去了一条脚。

7.This to view a pne of total 5 people, exterior host lynch Veda, two photograph and an assistant director.这观点一行共5人,外部主人《梨俱吠陀》,两相林奇和副主任。

8.The Veda is also regarded as the basis of all the later Shastraic texts used in Hindu doctrine and practice.吠陀也被认为是应用于印度教教条和实践的所有后期圣典的基础。

9.So, what happened is that people thought therefore the Rg Veda cannot be talking about India.所以,人们认为梨俱吠陀不可能是谈论印度。

10.Origin to India, comes ancient from "AYUR the VEDA philosophy" , for world most ancient treatment massage.起源于印度,来自古老的“AYURVEDA哲学”,为世界最古老的治疗型按摩。