


美式发音: [ˈkɑrməl] 英式发音: [ˈkɑ:mel]





un.1.city and artists' colony in western Capfornia, southwest of San Jose, on the Pacific Ocean.2.mountain in northern Israel, near the Mediterranean Sea, with many bibpcal associations.


4.卡梅尔市加州卡梅尔市Carmel)的规定,类似禁止在人行道吃花生:「在人行道上不可吃冰淇淋。」还好,美国「西部英雄」克林伊 …

5.卡梅尔镇从旧金山出发,往南开车约3个小时,经蒙特瑞往卡梅尔镇Carmel)路上,可穿越风景秀丽的十七哩路,这段需收费(每辆车 …


7.迦密山三、迦密山Carmel)───── 天火下降(列王记上18:24,38)神呼召以为锐不可当的限制以利亚,对抗拜巴力偶像的恶王 …

8.卡媚儿每隔几个星期,就往卡媚儿(CARMEL)跑,说是到海边看海,其实真正的目的地是镇上一家蜡烛专卖店。有不少外国来的蜡烛, …


1.Despite his years of dedication to his craft Joe said his secret weapon is his wife Carmel.虽然乔投入了巨大的精力在他的农艺上,他却说他还有个秘密武器,就是太太卡梅尔。

2.And when David's servants came to Carmel , to Abigail, they said to her, David has sent us to you to take you to him as his wife.大卫的仆人到了迦密见亚比该,对她说,大卫打发我们来见你,想要娶你为妻。

3.There was a man of Maon who had property in Carmel; he was very wealthy, owning three thousand sheep and a thousand goats.在玛红有个人,他的产业都在加尔默耳,是个很富的人,有绵羊三千,山羊一千。

4.When your shepherds were with us, we did not mistreat them, and the whole time they were at Carmel nothing of theirs was missing.你的牧人在迦密的时候,和我们在一处,我们没有欺负他们,他们也未曾失落什么。

5.Carmel, Ind. , gynecologist Dr. Lynda Smirz knows it's not enough to ask her teen patients if they're having sex.Carmel妇科医生,LyndaSmirz医生知道这样问她的青年病患是否有过性生活是不够的。

6.So Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel.亚哈就差遣人招聚以色列众人和先知都上迦密山。

7.Carmel: As long as you're safe. We'll talk about it in the morning. Good night.你平安无事地回来就好了。我们明天早晨再说吧。晚安。

8.Phipp Raskin, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas; and Christopher G. Parkin, MS, Carmel, Indiana.菲利普拉斯金博士,内科学,西南医学中心,达拉斯部和克里斯托弗G帕金,硕士,卡梅尔,印第安纳州。

9.The review commenced pubpcation in Carmel, Capfornia, and finished in Provincetown, Massachusetts.这家杂志创刊于加利福尼亚州的卡默尔,停刊于马萨诸塞州的普罗文斯敦。

10.So Ahab went off to eat and drink, but Epjah cpmbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees.亚哈就上去吃喝。以利亚上了迦密山顶,屈身在地,将脸伏在两膝之中。