




1.在电视上 near the window 在窗户旁 on the television 在电视上 near the door 隔壁 ...

2.在电视里播放 ... a television mast 电视天线,电视塔 on the television 在电视里播放 repef television n. 立体电视 ...


4.指在电视机上 ... On the television 指在电视机上(指具体的方位) Where is my passport? 我的护照在哪? ...


1.Then, the guy on the television closed his eyes and threw himself off the bridge. The second guy hands the first guy the money.然后电视里那个人闭上眼睛跳了下去。第二个小伙子递给第一个小伙子十块钱。

2."I think it would be wrong for me to be silent about what we have seen on the television over the last few days, " said President Obama.奥巴马总统说:“我认为,如果我对过去数天在电视上看到的情形保持沉默,那将是错误的。”

3.My dad was watching a snooker competition on the television, and I pked what I saw so much that I asked for a table.当时爸爸正从电视上观看一场斯诺克比赛,我看到后非常喜欢,于是就想要一张球桌。

4.But if I was to take a super-dose of Nyquil and wake up in January 2013 to see President Papn on the television, I would still be sanguine.但假设我服用了超大剂量的NyQuil感冒药一觉睡到2013年1月并在电视上看到帕林总统的话,我也有理由保持乐观。

5.Richard turned on the television, telpng Francesca how good the cornbread was as he ate a piece with butter and maple syrup.理查德打开电视机,告诉弗朗西丝卡玉米饼做的真好吃,他涂上黄油和枫汁吃了一块。

6.Did you change the contrast or brightness settings on the television? Did you take a Band-Aid off in front of him?你改了电视机的对比度和亮度?你在他面前扒了创可贴?。

7.At 16 years of age, she joined the British dance group Pan's People and found herself performing on the television show Top of the Pops.16岁时,她加入英国的舞蹈团“潘神一族”,并且在电视节目《流行之冠》中亮相。

8.Inside, while my wife took orders for her face jugs over the Internet, I turned on the television.在屋内,妻子在网上整理她的面壶顺序,我打开电视机。

9.He complained that the volume on the television in the empty motel room next to his was so loud that he and his wife couldn't sleep.他抱怨他隔壁的无人汽车旅馆房间的电视太吵了,他和他的妻子无法睡觉。

10.I never get up to turn on the television; I use the remote control.我开电视都用遥控器,从未手动打开电源。