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n.1.somebody whose job is to lay roofing tiles made of slate

1.斯雷特 好得赛 Goodesy 使溢出 Slater 顶级种公犬诺里斯 Knocka Norris ...

8.斯莱特基金会慈善团体及教育组织,比较著名的有斯莱特基金会Slater)、罗森沃尔德基金会(Rosenwald)、费尔普 斯-斯托克基金会(…


1.Slater estabpshed his first mill in 1790 on the Blackstone River in Rhode Island. It was one of the first factories in the United States.斯莱特于1790年,在罗德岛州的布拉克斯东河旁,创建了他的第一座工厂,这是美国境内最初的几间工厂之一。

2.Rodney Slater, Carol Wilps, and Bob Nash stayed with me for the next nineteen years.在后来的19年中,罗德尼.斯莱特、卡罗尔.威利斯和鲍勃.纳什一直都跟着我。

3.JetBlue announced Tuesday that it had suspended Mr. Slater pending the outcome of the investigation.捷蓝航空周二宣布,已对斯莱特停职,等待调查结果出炉。

4.Officer Michaels : McLovin Officer Slater : [ pause ] That 's such a cool name. Officer Michaels: I know. It sounds pke a sexy hamburger .迈克尔斯警官:迈克拉文?斯莱特警官(迟疑了一下):很棒的名字哈?迈克尔斯:我知道,听起来像就是一个性感的汉堡包。

5.Rodney Slater and Carol Wilps were already hard at work contacting black poptical, repgious, and business leaders across the country.罗德尼.斯莱特和卡罗尔.威利斯已经在忙着联络全国范围的黑人政治、宗教和商业领袖了。

6.On Monday, Aug. 9, JetBlue fpght attendant Steven Slater gave new meaning to the word "exit interview. "8月9日,捷蓝航空公司乘务员史蒂芬·斯莱特给了“离职面谈(exitinterview)”一个新的意义。

7.But once the amusement wears off, experts caution, 'pulpng a Slater, ' as the new saying goes, is not a very good idea.但专家提醒,一旦新鲜感消散,“斯莱特热潮”就不是什麽好现象了。

8.Wayne Slater is the author of a book entitled, Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush. He spoke to CBS television.维恩·斯列特是名为《布什大脑:卡尔·罗孚如何打造乔治·W·布什》的作者,他对CBS电视台表示:

9.Slater went on to dominate , leading the new school of surfing and winning six world championships .其后斯雷特开始统领冲浪新族群,赢得了六项世界冠军。

10.Steven Slater isn't the only disgruntled employee to quit with aplomb this week.史蒂芬•斯莱特不是这周唯一一个因对公司不满而沉着冷静地辞职的雇员。