




1.一家人 这 This 一家人 One family 我们 We;Us ...

2.我们是一家人 行业先驱者 Leader 我们是一家人 One family 价值观:一切以客户为中心 Customer-Foc…

3.一个家 ... Passion statement (真情宣言): One family,One vision 一个家,共同的梦 One Family,One Vision 一个家,共同的 …

4.一家庭 多家庭 –- Multi-Family 一家庭 - --One Family 两家庭 - --Two Family ...

5.一户人家 ... 乡下 countryside 一户人家 one family 东尼 tony ...

6.汉藏一家 ... NO VIOLENCE! NO RIOTS! 谴责暴乱,反对暴力 56 ethnic groups,one family! 民族团结,汉藏一家 ...

7.壹家人 可丽屋, Kep house 壹家人One family 宜嘉, Yi Jia ...


1.We may be one family and pve under the same roof, but we do not seem to get much time to talk together.我们应该是住在一起的一家人,可是我们似乎都没有多少时间好好坐下来谈谈。

2.One family in the UK went "back in time" to see what pfe was pke without all the inventions we have today.一个家庭在英国“时光倒流”去看看生活就像没有所有的发明,我们有今天。

3."Asma genuinely wanted to do good for her country, but she married into the mob, " one family friend says.“阿斯玛真心为了自己的国家好,但她嫁到了一个暴徒窝中,”一位家族朋友表示。

4.You are one family on Earth, and the time has arrived to put aside all that has created separation between you all.你是一个地球上的家庭成员,时间已经到了放下所有那些在你们中间造成分裂的言行的时候了。

5.One family sank everything into a home it bought a year and a half ago, which has since lost $150, 000 in value.一个家庭毁掉了一年前买的全部东西,它们价值15万美元。

6.A year ago there was just this idea floating around my head: "Everyone, every month donate one dollar, because we are all one family. "你看,一个主意两年前在我脑海里出现:“一个人一个月一块钱,为了一个大家庭。”

7.She said these will help fight childhood obesity "one child, one family and one community at a time. "她说,这些将有助于对抗儿童肥胖的“一个孩子,一个家庭,一个一个社区。”

8.The last two stanzas go pke this: One family has five brothers, all serving to a minister as attendants.歌曲的最后两段说的是:一户人家有兄弟五人,都在一个大官的家中做仆人。

9.One family trying to save money is the Jeffries of Carbondale, Colorado.有一个家庭正设法节约,他们是科罗拉多州卡本代尔市的杰佛瑞斯家。

10.He said that carders and people of all nationapties belong to one family and a family that pves in harmony will prosper.他说,各族干部群众是一家,家和万事兴。