




1.一晚 ... rock jazz 摇滚爵士乐。5 ` one-night 一晚; pneeups 阵容 ...


1.Once there was a piano player in a bar, people came just to hear him play, But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.从前有一架钢琴和一个球员在一个酒吧里,人们都来只是为了听他演奏,但有一天晚上,一位女士问他唱一支歌。

2.A woman who became Britain's youngest mother after a one night stand at the age of 12 says she had no regrets about becoming a teen mum.英国最年轻妈妈一夜情后,于12岁怀孕产子。如今她仍旧表示身为少女妈妈无怨无悔。

3.At his father's law office late one night, someone present recalls, Bill quarreled with his mother as she urged him to give money away.当时在场的一个人回忆说,一天晚上在盖茨父亲的律师事务所里,当盖茨的母亲劝他捐钱的时候,两人吵了起来。

4.But when he turns up one night asking her to help him find his missing cousin, she's ready to surrender to sweet sensual satisfaction. . .但是,当他变成了一个晚上请她帮他找到他失踪的表妹,她准备投降甜感官满足…

5.One night, as luck would have it, Kepi asked me if I wouldn't take one of his cpents to a whorehouse nearby.碰巧,一天夜里凯皮问我愿不愿带他的一个顾客去附近一家妓院。

6.Gabriel: Actually, it was one night we was [were] watching a movie and she was asleep on the couch.加布里埃尔:事实上,是在某天晚上,她在看电影时在沙发上睡着了。

7.One night, a young man's car broke down on the dark and remote road: The tyre was exploded .一天晚上,在漆黑偏僻的公路上,一个年轻人的汽车抛锚:汽车轮胎爆了!

8.He said as long as the old lady of the household let him in her home one night, he could, "" beast, drove them off.他对一户老婆婆说只要使他在她家里住一晚,他定能将“年”兽赶走。

9.But one night you just have to have a cookie, and you know there's a bag of your favorites in the cupboard.不过,你一个晚上只能吃一个小甜饼,还有你喜欢的包在碗橱里。

10.One night near the end, while my wife, my niece, and I were by his side, Dad suddenly became very active and tried to get out of bed.在他临终前的一个晚上,我和妻子及侄女都在他床边。他突然变得很活跃,甚至想下床来。