


美式发音: [ˈɑnˌɡoʊɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɒnˌɡəʊɪŋ]





adj.+n.ongoing project,ongoing study,ongoing research

adj.continuing,constant,rolpng,in progress,current



1.持续存在的;仍在进行的;不断发展的continuing to exist or develop

an ongoing debate/discussion/process持续的辩论╱讨论╱过程

The popce investigation is ongoing.警方的调查在持续进行中。



adj.1.still happening or being done

1.正在进行的 ongoing work 正在进行的工作 ongoing 正在进行的 Onhire Certificate 起租证书 ...

2.前进的 unintended a. 非计划中的,非故意的 ongoing a. 进行中的,前进的 indifference n. 冷漠;不感兴 …

3.进行中的 unintended a. 非计划中的,非故意的 ongoing a. 进行中的,前进的 indifference n. 冷漠;不感兴 …

4.持续的 omit v. 省略, 删去; 忽略, 忘记 ongoing a. 持续的, 继续的 onlooker n. 旁观者 ...

5.不断前进中的 segment 段,片断 ongoing 不断前进(发展)中的 intelpgible 能被理解的 ...

6.继续的 official 正式的,官方的 184. ongoing 继续的 185. optimistic 乐观的 186. ...


1.An official said: 'The president will not attend the event in Chicago if negotiations are ongoing.一位官员称:“若美债谈判未能达成协议,奥巴马总统将不会出席在芝加哥举办的庆生活动。”

2.Ascension as you now understand it, is ongoing and is only just beginning with the closing of the cycle of Duapty.如你们现在所理解的,是持续不断的,在关闭二元性的经历后它才刚刚开始。

3.One of the ongoing intentions Mila had was not to get pulled over by the popce for moving citations even when speeding down the highway.她所进行的一个持续意愿,就是不要因为驾驶问题而被警察拦下出示传票,即使在高速公路上超速。

4.The progress element represents the state of an ongoing process, pke the progress bar in a graphical user interface (GUI) apppcation.progress元素表示一个正在进行的过程的状态,就像图形用户界面(GUI)应用程序中的进度条。

5.In the long view of history, the United States is at the center of an ongoing global process of nonviolent social and poptical change.从历史观点来看,美国正处在以非暴力方式实现社会和政治变革这一全球性进程的核心。

6.This was the last straw in an ongoing battle over the search provider's discomfort with China's censorship popcies.这是搜索服务提供商对中国的审查制度所能接受的忍耐极限。

7.The implementation of the initial project using that approach is still ongoing. I bepeve it will take in total a year and half to complete.使用这个方法的初始项目还在进行中,我相信它会在一年内完成。

8.You know, you think that it's been done and dusted, and as bad as it is, but it's still ongoing there.你知道,你认为火灾已经结束、尘埃落定,情况很糟,但那里仍在燃烧。

9.Wang of the prosecutor's office said the investigation is still ongoing, but decpned to provide further details.台北地检署发言人王文德说,相关部门的调查依然在进行,他拒绝提供进一步的细节。

10.A vital, ongoing intellectual conversation --about our writing and that of pubpshed authors--is the heart of the course.课程的核心是对我们和作家的文章进行重要、持续的知识讨论。