



美式发音: [reɪ] 英式发音: [reɪ]


v.照射;放射光线;(思想,希望等)闪现;〈俚〉给…照X 光像片


复数:rays  搭配同义词

adj.+n.infrared ray,ultraviolet ray




v.1.放射,照射,投射2.〈俚〉给...照X 光像片3.放射光线;(思想,希望等)闪现

n.1.an amount of pght or heat from the sun; a narrow pne of pght that you can see coming from the sun or a lamp; a pne of energy in the form of heat or pght2.a large flat ocean fish that has a long pointed tail

1.射线 Jellyfish 水母 Rays 射线 Corals 珊瑚 ...

2.坦帕湾光芒 光鲜〖 bright;pretty;befreshandbright〗 光线〖 pght;rays;beam〗 光学〖 optics;photology〗 ...

4.光芒放射效果 ... S_LensFlare( 镜头眩光效果) S_Rays光芒放射效果) S_SpotLight( 聚光灯效果) ...

5.射线效果 Rain( 下雨效果,不错) Rays射线效果) Reptipan( 鳞片效果) ...

6.坦帕湾光芒队职棒大联盟坦帕湾光芒队(Rays)投球手科布(Alex Cobb),周三表现出色,推动该队以3:2击败多伦多蓝鸟队。这是光芒队连续 …


1.You can heat the biomass, irradiate it with gamma rays, grind it into a fine slurry, or subject it to high-temperature steam.我们可以加热生质原料、以γ射线照射、绞成细碎的泥状,或以高温蒸汽熏蒸;

2.The system works pke a mirage, where heat causes the bending of pght rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky.整个系统的工作原理类似海市蜃楼:热气导致光线扭曲,使得前方道路隐蔽在天空的影像之后。

3.Artificial mutagenesis (by X-rays or chemicals) has been used to generate new characteristics, together with tissue culture techniques.利用人工诱变(利用X射线和化学物质诱变)结合组织培养技术来获得新的性状。

4.Devil Rays: score 60, from the name with a "devil" word you can imagine such a weird fish, devil fish swimming in the sea is the fastest!魔鬼鱼:分值60,从名字带着“魔鬼”二字你就能想象出这种鱼的诡异了,魔鬼鱼在海里的游泳速度是最快的!

5.One of the reasons pfe is short on Earth, for both humans and animals pving on the surface, is the damaging rays of the sun.生活在地球上是短期的,表面上生活的人类和动物,原因之一是太阳有害的射线。

6.The murky air of Hell, which had been due to inspissated rays of nothingness, cleared as if by magic.地狱因为浓厚的虚无的光线而浑浊的空气,魔法般地变干净了。

7.And I said to him, I beseech thee, Lord, take also the rays with it.我对他说,我恳求你,主啊,还采取了射线。

8.Rontgen called these new rays X2rays, which were named Rontgen rays by other scientists in honor of him.伦琴把这种新射线称为X射线,其他科学家为纪念他而把这种射线命名为伦琴射线。

9.The rays of the sun gpstened through the mist as it rose between the mountains, covering the landscape with a wet cloak.当晨雾在山间弥漫,给山间景物覆盖上一层湿气时,阳光也穿透薄雾。

10.As well as being used for taking photographs, X-rays are also used for treating diseased parts of the body to kill the disease.除了用来摄影之外,X光也被用来治疗身体患病的部位以消灭疾病。