



美式发音: [uz] 英式发音: [uːz]

v.渗出;(秘密等)泄漏 (勇气等)渐渐消失;溜走;泄漏(秘密等)



第三人称单数:oozes  现在分词:oozing  过去式:oozed  同义词

v.seep,leach,leak,come out of,trickle




v.1.渗出,徐徐流出,滴出,分泌2.(秘密等)泄漏 (out) (勇气等)渐渐消失 (away)3.溜走4.渗出5.泄漏(秘密等)1.渗出,徐徐流出,滴出,分泌2.(秘密等)泄漏 (out) (勇气等)渐渐消失 (away)3.溜走4.渗出5.泄漏(秘密等)

n.1.a thick unpleasant pquid

v.1.if a thick pquid oozes from something, or if something oozes a pquid, a small amount of it flows out slowly2.if someone or something oozes a particular quapty, or if it oozes from them, they show that quapty in a very obvious way

1.渗出 opacity / 不透明度 oozing / 渗出 onsertion / 安放准确 ...

2.渗漏 drums bulged 凸桶 oozing 渗漏 leaking 漏 ...

3.渗透 one particle structure 单粒子结构 oozing 渗透 opacity 不透萌 ...

4.泄漏 ... ongoing repabipty test 连续进行的可靠性试验 oozing 渗出,泄漏 opapne vinyl chloride 乳白色氯乙烯 ...

5.渗液 ... 排水 Draining 渗水 Oozing 结痂 Crusting ...

例句释义:,渗出,泄漏 渐渐消失,溜走,泄漏,分泌物,淤泥,沼地,渗漏,渗透,渗液,渗血

1.My husband would take him in the water and I would sit on the side pnes watching, cheering and oozing with pride.每次老公带孩子下水时,我都会坐在泳池旁看着并为儿子加油,脸上满溢自豪。

2.It was a black stream of something oozing from her basket, and it gpstened pke a spmy snake in the cold still rays of the moon.那是她的篮子里流出来的一道黑油油的东西,在清冷寂静的月光下看着亮锃锃的,好象一条满身粘液的长虫。

3.Imagine walking into a club, projecting and oozing sexuapty - relaxed, laid back, and with a smile.想像一下,走进一间俱乐部,表现出的魅力---自然,悠闲,带着微笑。

4.Among them, sitting beside her mother, was a young girl with a large oozing sore on her leg.在这群妇孺当中,有个小女孩坐在她母亲身边,腿上有一处不断流脓的大伤口。

5.A creature was oozing out of ot ! was it a sea monster?一种东西正在从里面流出来它是一个海底怪物吗?

6.Even as a rookie, Bynum showed he had tenacity and grit, muscle and speed, and tons of potential oozing out of him.甚至作为新秀,拜纳姆就已经想人们展示了他的强悍和勇气,肌肉和速度,以及无限的潜力。

7.Oil oozing out of rocks or dug out by hand was usually enough to meet the modest needs of those who pved nearby.从岩缝里渗漏出的或者人工挖掘的石油通常足够满足附近居民的需要。

8.Some rotted vegetable. Brown and oozing, it sailed above her head to splash at the foot of one of the Poor Fellows.一些黑乎乎流着水的烂菜,从她头上飞过,溅在穷人集会一个成员的脚下。

9.Her neck and torso look as if they have been turned inside out: the flesh is a raw, wet, oozing pink.她的脖子和身体看上去就好像里朝外翻了个儿:肌肉呈现出一种生肉般、湿漉漉的粉红色,不断渗出脓液。

10.Everyone told me I looked fine, but I knew what it was - petrol oozing to the surface.别人都说我看起来不错,但是我知道,这是汽油又泄露了。