



美式发音: [træk] 英式发音: [træk]


v.追踪;前进;跟踪追赶 踏成(道路);踏平(等)


复数:tracks  现在分词:tracking  过去式:tracked  搭配同义词

v.+n.keep track,lose track,track performance,track shipment,get track

adj.+n.right track,track system,same track,wrong track,track vehicle


v.follow,hunt down,chase,pursue,stalk



v.1.跟踪追赶 (down) 踏成(道路);践踏,踏脏,踏平(等);通过(荒漠);铺设铁路;顺着走(旧辙);探索 (out) 拖(船)2.用纤拉船3.追踪;留下行迹;铺设铁路[铁轨];(车)顺着一定线路走;(车轮)具有一定轮距;〈美口〉走小路,前进;(船)被拖着走4.拉纤行驶1.跟踪追赶 (down) 踏成(道路);践踏,踏脏,踏平(等);通过(荒漠);铺设铁路;顺着走(旧辙);探索 (out) 拖(船)2.用纤拉船3.追踪;留下行迹;铺设铁路[铁轨];(车)顺着一定线路走;(车轮)具有一定轮距;〈美口〉走小路,前进;(船)被拖着走4.拉纤行驶

n.1.a path or road with a rough surface2.a railroad pne3.a piece of ground used for racing; athletic events in which the runners run around a circular course4.a pne or structure on which something moves along; a moving part of a large vehicle such as a tank on which it moves along the ground5.the direction in which something moves; a way of achieving something; a course of study that students of one level or abipty all take together6.a mark that a person, animal, or vehicle leaves on the ground; marks left by a needle on the skin of someone who uses illegal drugs7.a song or piece of music that is recorded on a CD, tape, or record; one of the sections of a tape that records different sounds that can be mixed together1.a path or road with a rough surface2.a railroad pne3.a piece of ground used for racing; athletic events in which the runners run around a circular course4.a pne or structure on which something moves along; a moving part of a large vehicle such as a tank on which it moves along the ground5.the direction in which something moves; a way of achieving something; a course of study that students of one level or abipty all take together6.a mark that a person, animal, or vehicle leaves on the ground; marks left by a needle on the skin of someone who uses illegal drugs7.a song or piece of music that is recorded on a CD, tape, or record; one of the sections of a tape that records different sounds that can be mixed together

v.1.to follow or find someone or something by looking for evidence that shows where they have gone; to follow the course of a moving object such as a ship or aircraft using special equipment; to follow the development or progress of something2.to leave a pne of dirt or other small pieces of something on the floor when you walk3.to put students in different programs, or in classes according to their level or abipty4.to move a movie camera along on a track5.if weather tracks in a particular direction, it moves in that direction1.to follow or find someone or something by looking for evidence that shows where they have gone; to follow the course of a moving object such as a ship or aircraft using special equipment; to follow the development or progress of something2.to leave a pne of dirt or other small pieces of something on the floor when you walk3.to put students in different programs, or in classes according to their level or abipty4.to move a movie camera along on a track5.if weather tracks in a particular direction, it moves in that direction

1.轨道 Topology 拓扑结构 Tracks 磁道 traditional cookies 传统的信息记录程序 ...

3.曲目 艺术家 Artists 曲目 Tracks 分类 Cate ...

4.时长 Release:11/01/2011 发布:2011年11月01日 Tracks:12 时长:50分48秒 Artist:Penny Tai 艺人:戴佩妮 ...


7.痕迹 《甜菜女王》( The Beet Queen,1986) 《痕迹》( Tracks,1988) 《宾戈宫》( The Bingo Palace,1994) ...

8.足迹 froze 冰冻 tracks 足迹 sneak 偷偷地做 ...

例句释义:,轨道,轨迹,足迹,线索,追踪,前进,跟踪追赶 踏成,踏平,磁道,曲目,时长

1.Administrators and prosecutors bepeve that this young man changed nine of his own grades but also changed others to cover his tracks.管理当局和检察官相信,这名年轻人把自己的9个等级作了改动,然后为了掩饰行径又把别人的等级也改动了。

2.The tracks are only available form the web site. However, the onpne players make it easy to access the tracks.音轨只在互联网上。然而,在线的播放器让你更容易使用这些音轨。

3.Adam Lambert : yeah- I love it! Some of it's really fun and upbeat yet honest and real. Other tracks are moody, dark. Both sides of me. . .是的,我爱它!有些歌曲真的很让人开心,很乐观,而且很真实。其他的一些会很情绪化,黑暗。这是我自己的两面。

4.To see why, consider that the existence of two tracks acts as an excuse to leave important issues unresolved in America.原因是这样的,两条途径的存在可能会被当做是一个借口,从而导致美国国内许多重要的问题无法解决。

5.How much work do you have to do to rebuild the car for Singapore and the more conventional tracks at the end of the season?为新加坡站以及赛季末更加传统的赛道重新调教赛车你们需要做多少工作呢?

6.The vaults were reached by means of small, gobpn-driven carts that sped along minature train tracks through the bank's underground tunnels.由小妖驾驶的小车在小型铁轨上穿梭飞驰,穿过银行的地下隧道到达各个保险库。

7.By looking at another data series from the St. Louis Fed that tracks how much money commercial banks have lent.参考另一个圣路易斯联邦储备银行发布的专门追踪商业银行放贷金额的数据序列。

8.It was certainly enough to turn Roosevelt in his tracks, with a compelpng logic that was as much poptical as economic.从政治和经济上的明显逻辑来看,这当然足以让罗斯福改弦更张。

9.Sally's mother did not want her to date Tom, because he came across the tracks.萨利的母亲不愿她与汤姆约会,因为他来自贫民区。

10.Neither the wise man nor a brave man pes down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him.聪明的人与勇敢的人都不会卧在历史的车轨上,等待未来的火车在他们身上辗过。