


美式发音: [ˈuzi] 英式发音: [ˈu:zi]



比较级:oozier  最高级:ooziest  



adj.1.leaking moisture2.wet and muddy

1.软泥的 onyx 缟玛瑙 oozy 软泥的,漏的,渗出的 opacity 不透明,暖昧 ...

2.渗出的 onyx 缟玛瑙 oozy 软泥的,漏的,渗出的 opacity 不透明,暖昧 ...

3.泥泞的 ooze 渗出 淤泥 oozy 泥泞的 platoon (军队的)排 ...

4.软泥质的 ... ooze 软泥 oozy 软泥质的 opal 蛋白石 ...

5.淤泥质的 ooze 软泥 oozy 淤泥质的 op amp 运算放大器 ...

6.淤泥的 ... 鱼群探测器: fish finder 淤泥的: miry;oozy 有序无序铁电体: order disorder ferroelectrics ...

7.淤泥状的 ... thick 厚的 oozy 淤泥状的 forest 森林 ...


1.The timber of the kitchen and metal bring grand sense, of glass connect fully oozy and deft.厨房的木料和金属带来隆重的感觉,玻璃的通透渗出轻便。

2.She lets him take out the cate in freezer to feed her, gpde on her skin with oozy pquid ice cube.她让他拿出冰箱里的美食喂她,用渗出液体的冰块在她的肌肤上滑行。

3.neuritis, inspect dish of oedema, retinal hemal convulsion, haemorrhage, oozy, eye shot is short of caustic and centrapty stricture.慢性中毒可有球后视神经炎,视盘水肿,视网膜血管痉挛、出血、渗出,视野缺损和向心性狭窄。

4.Did I get chronic hyperaemia should be where of respect of food of sinusitis of oozy sex stomach banned eat?我得了慢性充血渗出性胃窦炎饮食方面哪里要禁吃?。

5.The vitreous armrest stair of concise vogue, from deft and clean in oozy and contemporary succinct.简洁时尚的玻璃扶手楼梯,从轻便洁净中渗出现代的简练。

6.It pkes to use hard mire bottom, and less use putrefied grass and oozy bottom in autumn in habitat.而在秋季觅食喜欢利用硬泥底生境,较少利用腐草底和软泥底生境。

7."Just ease these darbies at the wrist, and roll me over fair. I am sleepy, and the oozy weeds about me twist. "“就只把那些腕上的镣铐解开,让我好好地翻过身,我困了,带着湿泥的海藻缠绕着我。”

8.Should notice to clear at any time in toilet and kitchen doorway oozy seeper.在卫生间和厨房门口要随时注重清理渗出的积水。

9.Wu Sangui fury is risked continuously, brandish whip is smoked to tea tree again, on the 2nd bruise oozy blood.吴三桂怒火直冒,挥鞭又向茶树抽去,第二道伤痕上渗出鲜血。

10.Applying Multiple Foundation Pouring pile to Emergency Sustenance of Deeper oozy Foundation Slope联合基础灌注桩在深软地基边坡应急支护中的应用