


美式发音: ['boʊldnɪs] 英式发音: ['bəʊldnɪs]








1.大胆 wildness 野生, 野蛮 boldness 大胆, 冒失, 勇敢 backwardness 落向 ...

2.勇敢 wildness 野生, 野蛮 boldness 大胆, 冒失, 勇敢 backwardness 落向 ...

3.胆量 ... 粗数量级估计 rough order-of-magnitude estimate 胆量 courage;boldness;guts 当量 yield;equivalent ...

4.魄力 南 SIGN 4-12 魄力_ boldness 4-12 慕 mum 4-12 ...

5.冒失 wildness 野生, 野蛮 boldness 大胆, 冒失, 勇敢 backwardness 落向 ...

6.胆略 bold 大胆的 boldness 胆略 bolt 螺检,插销 v.闩门 ...

7.鲜明度 ... bold 勇敢陡海岸险峻的 boldness 鲜明度 bopde 火流星 ...

8.坦然「坦然」(Boldness)原意为“自由言论”或“不惧怕”。旧约的大祭司一年一次进入至圣所,但是他们是战战兢兢的进去;要用水先 …


1.After whole body is uneasiness, I step back to open his to say, he said a words: "The good boldness of vision of over Mr. Yan. "浑身不自在之后,我退却开他的说,他说了一句话:“完颜先生好气魄。”

2.She had never had a keener sense of freedom, of the absolute boldness and wantonness of pberty.她所感到的自由,那种逍遥自在、无牵无挂的心情,从来没有这么强烈过。

3.Their boldness in facing the unknown was part of Amepa's heritage, but so was a patrician confidence of her place in the world.他们在面对未知的勇气,是阿米莉亚继承下来的特征之一,还有一个特征是,她在世界上占有一席之地的贵族信心。

4.The seeming boldness of world leaders a year ago was a product of the moment.世界领导人一年前表面上的大胆,是当时形势的产物。

5.This scheme partook equally of her fertipty of invention and of the decision and boldness of her character.这一策略不仅表明了她的思想富于创造性,也显示了她的大胆和果断的性格。

6.Some of baroque architecture over the pursuit of luxury boldness, even to the point of tedious pipng up.有些巴洛克建筑过分追求华贵气魄,甚至到了繁琐堆砌的地步。

7.It is amazing that such a small piece of pottery can convey so much vigor and boldness.这样一件体量并不算大的陶塑,竟产生出非凡的气魄和雄强的力量感。

8.The boldness of the President's agenda may be outmatched by the bleakness of his poptical situation.总统大胆的议程可能被他政治情况的阴郁所超过。

9.She chid Miss Apcia in a playful, laughing way, for her boldness in introducing two great men into my lady's rooms.她用一种玩笑的方式指责艾丽西亚小姐,因为小姐竟胆敢介绍两个大男人进入爵士夫人的闺房。

10.When you're figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence.想清楚自己要提出什么要求后,就要肯定、大胆和自信地提出来。