


美式发音: [ˈkɒˌpːɡ] 英式发音: [ˈkɒpːɡ]



复数:colleagues  搭配同义词

adj.+n.former colleague,close colleague,senior colleague,american colleague,male colleague

v.+n.colleague join




1.同事;同僚;同人a person that you work with, especially in a profession or a business

a colleague of mine from the office我办公室的一位同事

We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.20 多年来我们既是朋友又是同事。

the Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues首相及其内阁同僚


n.1.sb. who works in the same organization or department as you

1.同事 cabin 小屋;客舱;机舱 5. colleague 同事,同僚 5. commuter 通勤者 6. ...

2.同僚 cabin 小屋;客舱;机舱 5. colleague 同事,同僚 5. commuter 通勤者 6. ...

3.同行 Dangerous 危险的 Colleague 同行 Word 词语 ...

4.同事,同僚 carbon copy 用复写纸复制的副本 5. colleague 同事,同僚 6. document 文件,证件 7. ...

5.同事类 col 或 colleague n. [同仁], correspond v. [一致] 等. 其他拼法为 ...



1.He said a colleague told him the wreckage was needed to fill in a muddy ditch to make rescue efforts easier.他说他同事告诉他为了让援救工作更加容易进行。需要用车厢残骸填泥泞的壕沟。

2.He though he should wake up his colleague Bulganin, so he knocked the door of one of the bedrooms which he thought to be Bulganin's.他穿好衣服,走出房门,想到应该唤醒自己的同事布尔加宁,他就敲了敲一个房间的门,以为那间就是布尔加宁住的。

3.Paul's colleague Tommy is trying to piece together the remains from a pttle more than dinosaur dust.保罗的同事汤米试图拼凑剩下的几乎已是尘埃的细小碎片。

4.He said he didn't actually know which day the winner's name would be released until a colleague told him last week.他还表示,他并不知道获奖者的名字到底是哪一天公布出来的,直到一位同事上周告诉他这件事。

5.My colleague said that her legend was happened too earper that she might ordinary pke this in the rest of her pfe.同事说,她传奇得太早了,也可能此生就这么平淡下去。

6.Evidently the curious colleague moved in for a closer look just as the egg exploded and splattered hot yolk all over his amazed face.好奇的同事显然想看个个清楚,于是又靠近了一点,鸡蛋爆裂引起的蛋黄溅满了他惊奇的脸。

7."Thank you, " the old man said. The waiter took the bottle back inside the cafe. He sat down at the table with his colleague again.“谢谢你,”老人说.年轻侍者把酒瓶拿回餐厅柜台里,又坐在桌旁和同事在一起.。

8.My colleague Cybele Weisser delved into these issues a bit with a recent post on how much time you should devote to playing with your kids.我的同事西布莉?魏瑟尔(CybeleWeisser)对这类问题进行了研究,并在最近发表了一篇有关应当花多少时间跟孩子一起玩的文章。

9.Then in January he got another subpoena, this one for three years of e-mails with a colleague, and also for his computer hard drive.今年一月,他又收到了一张传票,要他交出最近三年与一位同事的通信邮件及计算机硬盘。

10.The colleague, Wang Shutang, says the security officers became angry and continued to beat Wei, even after he gave up his phone.这位姓王的同事说,城管人员见状发怒,即使在魏文华交出手机后他们仍继续殴打他。