




1.开卷 开禁[ pft a ban] 开卷[ open a book] 开掘[ dig;excavate] ...

2.披卷 ... open-book 开卷 open a book 开卷 ; 披卷 open your book 打开书 ; 打开课本 ...

3.打开书本 ... 打开抽屉 open a drawer 打开书本 open a book 自动打开 open automatically ...


1.But it was until I moved to CTTB, once I happened to open a book in memory of the VM Hua, and then I knew he was such a special person.但是直到我搬到圣城,在一次无意中打开一本纪念上人的纪念册的时候,我才明白他是一个多麽奇特的人。

2.The children of today will rarely open a book when they leave school. The children of tomorrow won't need to read and write at all.今天的孩子离开学校很少看书,明天的孩子根本不需要读和写。

3.The old saying "To open a book is always helpful" clearly tells us how good it is to read a book.“开卷有益”清楚地告诉了我们读书有多好。

4.The old Chinese proverb goes, "To Open a Book Is always Beneficial" .旧中国有一句谚语:“打开一本书始终都是有利的。”

5.To open a book is always beneficial. Reading can help us to accumulate our knowledge and enrich our pfe.开卷有益,读书能让我们增长知识,丰富课余生活。

6.The children of today will rarely open a book when they leave school.今天的孩子很少会打开一本书时,他们离开学校。

7.A day, father goes wait peeps his to move Static, see its child chant of open a book to read oh, say aloud suddenly: "I know. "中文古代笑话:一富家儿不爱读书,父禁之书馆。一日,父潜伺窥其动静,见其子开卷吟哦,忽大声曰:“我知之矣。”

8.Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming, eh, Potter? Harry forced himself to keep looking straight into those cold eyes.难道你上课之前从来不先预习的吗?啊?波特?哈利竭力使自己面对那双冷冰冰的眼睛。

9.Open a book you bought before but never read, turn it through page by page without seeing any word.找一本你很久以前买的但从没看过的书,快速的一页页都翻一遍,不要看里面的任何一个字。

10.I get used to seeing the catalogue first when I open a book.翻开书时我习惯先看目录。