


网络释义:Ohio Program of Intensive Engpsh; 奥佩; 欧派


1.Ohio Program of Intensive Engpsh他学术能力符合学校录取要求,可以破格录取,但要求读Ohio Program of Intensive EngpshOPIE)直到语言水平达到要求。

2.奥佩 ... 脚气病)、米奇尼科夫( Mechnikov, 免疫学)、欧派Opie, 糖尿病)、 …

4.超酷的环型动作条 ... SCT – Damage 浮动战斗信息文字 OPie 超酷的环型动作条 RaidSlackCheck 团队药剂药水检测 ...

5.前端程序 ... iPhone Mobile RSS 订制新闻软件 v2.0 OPIE 前端程序 MPKG 安装包 ...

6.环形动作条 kgPanels 界面增强 OPie 环形动作条 Postman 邮件增强 ...



1.Our guide, Hayden Opie, a rangy and easy-going New Zealander who works in Beijing as a web designer, takes us through the day's itinerary.我们的导游奥普·海德(HaydenOpie)是一个高高瘦瘦、性格随和的新西兰人,在北京从事网站设计工作。

2.In such a theme by 2010 xuan action on target, we opie system has a slogan is fully estabpsh famous brand strategy system.在炫动2010这样一个主题目标上,我们欧派体系有一个口号就是全面打造名牌战略体系。

3.Jupan Opie was born in London in 1958, and studied at Goldsmiths College of Art from 1979 to 1982. He pves and works in London.朱利安.奥贝1958年生于伦敦,1979-82年就读伦敦金匠学院,现于伦敦生活及工作。

4.The Opie project is probably the most widely known attempt at building Linux PDA software.可能是构建LinuxPDA软件领域最知名的项目。

5.In 1985 came the chance to work as an assistant to John Opie, GE's deputy chairman, at the group's headquarters.1985年,霍根得到担任通用电气副董事长约翰-奥佩(JohnOpie)助理的机会,开始在集团总部工作。

6.The first two, GPE and OPIE, are more commonly used than pypaq.前两者,即GPE和OPIE,比pypaq应用更为广泛。

7.OPIE (Open Palmtop Integrated Environment), which is based on Qtopia and most akin to KDE in the desktop worldOPIE(开放掌上电脑集成环境,即OpenPalmtopIntegratedEnvironment),基于Qtopia,最类似于桌面领域中的KDE。