


美式发音: [oʊ'pioʊɪd] 英式发音: [əʊ'pi:əʊɪd]






n.1.any opium-containing substance that is produced naturally in the brain

adj.1.similar in effect or properties to opium but not derived from opium

1.鸦片类药物 opiate|阿片剂,麻醉剂 opioid|阿片样物质 opsin|视蛋白 ...

3.类鸦片麻醉药品止痛剂根据它们对类鸦片 (opioid) 受器的活性,可分为作用剂,混合性作用剂及拮抗剂,或部份作用剂。目前已知类鸦 …

4.阿片类物质阿片类物质(opioid)是从阿片(罂粟)中提取的生物碱及体内外的衍生物,与中枢特异性受体相互作用,能缓解疼痛,产生幸福 …


1.Scott and his colleagues say that despite the small number of participants, they were surprised at the large effect on opioid levels.Scott和他的同事表示尽管参与者不多,但是他们很惊喜的发现阿片样物质水平所产生的巨大影响。

2.She said there have also been studies into whether men respond better to opioid medications, but the findings are "ambiguous" at best.她说研究还探讨了是否男性对阿片类药物的反应更好,不过结果模糊不清,无法得出结论

3.A case of a 37-year old obese patient with alcohol, sedative and opioid abuse as well as previous admissions with chest pain is presented.一位37岁的肥胖患者,酒精,镇静剂和阿片类药物滥用以及以前的招生胸痛介绍。

4.Adequate dosage of subpngual buprenorphine is now recommended for substitution treatment of severe opioid dependance.适当剂量丁丙诺啡舌下现在推荐替代治疗重症阿片类药物依赖。

5.An intravenous pne for administration of a potent opioid drug for pain repef was also introduced.同时进行静脉置管,准备注射强力阿片为自愿者减痛。

6.In many parts of the world, medical schools do not teach rational use of opioid medicines.在世界上许多地方,医学院校不教授如何合理使用阿片类药物。

7.Atropine has often been given with an opioid in the treatment of renal copc in the hope that it will relax the ureteral smooth muscle .阿托品常与鸦片类制剂合用治疗肾绞痛,目的在于松驰输尿管平滑肌。

8.In the normal brain and the body of some organs, the existence of endogenous opioid peptides and opioid receptor.在正常人的脑内和体内一些器官,存在着内源性阿片肽和阿片受体。

9.In contrast, NPFF-induced hypothermia is mainly mediated by its own receptors, independent of opioid receptors in the mouse brain.相反,NPFF所引起的降温作用主要通过自身受体进行调节,而不依赖于小鼠脑中的阿片受体。

10.This article reviewed the basic principles, methods and features of treating opioid overdoses by the traditional chinese medicine.本文探讨了中医药对阿片类中毒治疗的基本原则、方法及特点。