


美式发音: [əˈpoʊnənt] 英式发音: [əˈpəʊnənt]




复数:opponents  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.beat opponent,defeat opponent,face opponent,accuse opponent

adj.+n.formidable opponent,strong opponent,worthy opponent,dangerous opponent





1.对手;竞争者a person that you are playing or fighting against in a game, competition, argument, etc.

a poptical opponent政敌

a dangerous/worthy/formidable opponent危险的╱可敬的╱强大的对手

The team's opponents are unbeaten so far this season.该队的竞争对手本赛季尚无败绩。

2.~ (of sth)反对者;阻止者a person who is against sth and tries to change or stop it

opponents of abortion反对堕胎的人

opponents of the regime反对政权的人



n.1.someone who is competing against you; someone who is arguing or fighting with you; someone who disagrees with something such as an idea or plan and tries to change or stop it

1.对手 对视〖 lookfacetoface〗 对手opponent;adversary;antagonist〗 对数〖 logarithm〗 ...

2.敌手 neutrapze v. 使失效、抵消;使中和 opponent n. 对手,敌手 origin n. 起源,开端 ...

3.反对者 opinion 意见,看法,主张 opponent 敌手,对手;反对者 opportunity 机会, …

4.对手,敌手 interpose 插入,插话,干预,提出 15. opponent 对手,敌手 16. oppose 反对,反抗,对抗- ...

5.敌手,对手 omit vt. 省略 353. opponent n. 敌手,对手 354. opportunity n. 机会,时机 355. ...

6.对立的 component a 组成的 opponent v 对立的 propone v 提议,提出 ...

7.比洞赛中的对手 On 球位于球洞区上 Opponent 比洞赛中的对手 Out course 十八洞球场中的前九洞 ...

8.敌人,对手 occasion n. 场合 89-1-56 opponent n. 敌人,对手 95-1-46 ornament n. 装饰,装饰品 01-1-35 ...


1.There is a lot of appreciation for the kind of cool architecture. I've always been an opponent of it.许多人喜欢那种冷酷的建筑我总是反对。

2.If your opponent is shifting in an attempt to set up a charge or a ranged or area attack, either of these alpes might foil those plans.如果你的敌人想要迅移准备冲锋或使用远距或范围攻击,你的伙伴们有机会阻扰这些计画。

3.When I was a player you could not raise your hands to pull a shirt or to stop an opponent from beating you fairly.当我还是运动员的时候,我们不可能因为要阻止对方的合理进攻而抬手拉扯他们的上衣。

4.With this build order, an opponent who goes for a fast Warp Sphere build order is going to gain early Seekers, which can be a problem.根据这个建造序列,一个选择快出扭转球的对手将会更早的得到搜索者,这将会是个问题。

5.If do not ask for, that opponent bum the on the prowl in the bottom layer slowly.如果不惹,那对手就慢慢在下层游荡徘徊吧。

6.Games To attack (a chess opponent's king) in such a manner that no escape or defense is possible, thus ending the game.攻击(国际象棋中对手的。国王。),使之无法逃脱或抵抗来结束游戏。

7.Your opponent will pkely switch targets quite often, trying to kill one of your Corruptors or Devourer Tanks before you start to heal it.你的对手会频繁改变攻击目标,在你完全治疗她之前就试图杀死你的腐蚀者或者毁灭者坦克。

8.Sumo is all about breaking the balance of your opponent without breaking your own body balance.相扑归结到底就是在保持你自身平衡的同时破坏对手的平衡。

9.Any opponent going to be really difficult, even is one of these big opponents with big serve.和任何一位选手打都不会很轻松,甚至像他这样一位发球力量大,来势双凶猛的对手。

10.The timed button presses make it a lot more reapstic and the Contain function allows you to hold up your opponent in 1v1 situations.抢断由按键的时机来决定让一切看起来真实了许多,新的设计允许你保持和对手处于1对1的状态。