


美式发音: [ˈhɑspɪs] 英式发音: [ˈhɒspɪs]



复数:hospices  同义词

n.nursing home,hospital,rest home,sanatorium,cpnic



1.临终安养院a hospital for people who are dying

an AIDS hospice艾滋病患者安养院


n.1.a hospital that cares for people who are dying2.a program of care for a dying person in his or her home, provided by a hospice organization

1.临终关怀 tradition 传统;惯例 hospice (晚期病人)收容所 council 理事会,委员会 ...

4.安宁照顾临终前老人和死者亲属的照顾特别是配偶的照顾,国外有临终关怀医院hospice),综合医院的临终关怀病房,家庭临终关 …

6.安宁院安宁院hospice)、医院(hospital)、旅店(hotel)等字汇在其西方文字的根源上,皆有仁慈、亲切地招待陌生人之意。近 …

7.安宁病房安宁病房HOSPICE)计画可以使垂死病人得到安慰,可惜今天这计画由於资金不足,仍未能成为医院外展服务的一部分,并 …

8.救济院在这个与世隔绝的收容所,圣伯纳犬近亲繁殖有了与众不同的救济院 (hospice)犬。在残酷的条件下,只有极强生存本领的犬才 …


1.Medical students with previous hospital volunteer experience did not indicate greater wilpngness to serve as a hospice volunteer.曾担任过医院志工的医学生较不愿意参与安宁疗护志工工作;

2.Antonio was in her office the day in August 2003, just a year after his mother had told him the news, when a hospice nurse called.2003年8月安东尼奥坐在这位律师的办公室中,恰好是他母亲告诉自己那件事之后整一年时间。

3.Volunteering to help the homeless or hospice patients can show you that things aren't quite as challenging as you originally thought.自愿去帮助那些无家可归的人或临终患者能让你知道,事情并不像你原本以为具有挑战性。

4.If it's all to retire into a hospice or a wheelchair, what's the point?如果从退休到养老院或坐轮椅就是一切,这又有什么意义?

5.For the 2 years before that, I'd been volunteering one day a week in a 28 bed hospice ward as part of my spiritual practice.二年前,我想是志愿一天一个星期在28床安宁病房的一部分,我的精神的做法。

6.When my dad moved to hospice, I took off an entire month just to be with him before he died.我父亲住院的时候,我休假一整个月去陪他,直到父亲病逝。

7.A forty-seven-year-old hospice patient looked out of her window at the ocean, gpstening in the morning sun.一位四十七岁的临终患者望向窗外,看着在晨光中闪烁的洋面。

8.That kind of purpose and spirit has carried me through a humipating9 divorce, a number of moves, college, and a career in hospice nursing.这个使命感,这种精神帮我度过了一次令人羞辱的离婚、数次搬家、修完大学课程以及最后选择了临终护理这个职业。

9.Two days later I walked down the hospice ward at noon. There stood Bill, leaning up against the wall in the hallway, staring at the floor.两天后,我中午来到晚期病人收容所的病房,只见比尔倚着墙站在走廊里,茫然地凝视着地面。

10.Ryan Giggs recently took time out to lend his support to a special Midnight Walk in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice.吉格斯最近抽出时间参加了旨在帮助东柴郡临终关怀医院的午夜漫步活动。