


美式发音: [ˈsnɑbɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈsnɒbɪʃ]





adj.snooty,high and mighty,stuck-up,toffee-nosed,snobby



1.势利的;自命不凡的thinking that having a high social class is very important; feepng that you are better than other people because you are more intelpgent or pke things that many people do not pke


adj.1.behaving in a way that shows you think you are better than other people

1.势利的 gamble n. 赌博 v.赌博;打赌 snobbish a. 势利的 spin vt. 使旋转 ...

2.势利眼的 snob n. 势利的人,假内行 snobbish adj. 势利眼的 snore vi. 打鼾,打呼噜 ...

3.势力的 snoopy 狗 snobbish 势力的 smell 闻、嗅 ...

4.很势利的 自负的 conceited 很势利的 snobbish 自私的 selfish ...

5.谄上傲下的 sneer (轻蔑地)嘲笑: snobbish 谄上傲下的, 自大的: snub 轻视, 不理睬: ...

6.为人势利 ... Skittish 敏感易怒 Snobbish 为人势利 Spirited 生性坚强 ...


1.And Potter's chances of finding a husband were further reduced by her mother's snobbish insistence that she not marry into "trade" .如此而来,波特便很难找到如意郎君,便是如此,她的势利母亲还坚决反对她嫁给商人。

2.Lu: I appreciate that you can be fair-weather friends were rich, I do not pke the kind of snobbish people.芦:我欣赏那种可以共患难也可以共富贵的朋友,我不喜欢那种势利的人。

3.The snobbish man standing there is nothing but a dentist.站在那边傲慢的人,只不过是位牙医。

4.During the report, record producer Pete Waterman said the music industry had become "snobbish" .在这则报道中,唱片制作人PeteWaterman说道当前的音乐界变得很势利。

5.Now Emily's an orphan, and her mother's snobbish relatives are taking her to pve with them at New Moon Farm.现在她成了孤儿,母亲那边的那些势利眼的亲戚将要把她带到新月农场跟他们一起住。

6.I admit that I can be snobbish and I can harbour a sense of superiority at times.我承认我有时候会势利,有时会有一种优越感。

7.The game of institutional investing used to be played by a fairly snobbish crowd of expatriates and high-class locals.机构投资过去是一批相当势利的外籍人士与当地上流社会玩的游戏。

8.The snobbish woman had a look at her new doll and then was depghted to break into dancing.这个唯利是图的女人,看到了她新的玩物,便高兴着手舞足蹈。

9.Snobbish Western classicists who called Byzantium a poor substitute for ancient Greece may have missed the point.那些假装内行的西方古典学家称拜占庭是古希腊可怜的替代品,其实他们错了。

10.This breed of snobbish, opinionated Brit (let's abbreviate that to Sob) tends not to have visited the United States very much, if at all.这种顽固又势利的英国人(我们就简称他们做势利鬼吧)往往很少来美国参观,或者根本没来过。