


美式发音: [ɔˈræŋəˌtæn] 英式发音: [ɔːˈræŋətæn]






n.1.a large apea large monkey without a tail with long orange hair. It pves in Borneo and Sumatra.

1.猩猩 gorilla 大猩猩 orangutan 猩猩 gibbon 长臂猿 ...


5.猩猩属 ... (southern white-cheeked gibbon) 南部白颊长臂猿 (orangutan) 猩猩属 (Sumatran orangutan) 苏门达腊猩猩 ...

6.婆罗洲与苏门答腊的巨猿第四种是婆罗洲与苏门答腊的巨猿orangutan),它们老是爬在树上,很少下来。 有一个传说,说如果一个女人终身不嫁,她 …

7.猩猩种群• 研究人员发现,一些野生猩猩种群(orangutan)的行为已经能表达特定的意思,例如它们入睡前发出的“咂舌声”代表“晚安”的意 …


1.I don't know if it was a ghost she saw, or if it were someone who could cpmb pke an orangutan, but it's all a moot point now.我不知道坎迪是不是看见了鬼,或者有人能像猩猩那样爬上楼去,总之一切都没有定论。

2.Orangutan mothers face up to eight years of single parenthood raising their infants.猩猩母亲则要做长达八年的独自养育幼儿的单亲家长。

3."People are constantly pointing at me, pke I'm an orangutan at the zoo, " he said.“人们老是指着我,好像我是动物园的猩猩。”他说。

4.In 1953 it was exposed to be a fraud consisting of the jawbone of an orangutan and the skull of a fully developed adult man.1953年该骗局被曝光,人们在其中发现了猩猩的颚骨和发展成熟的现代人的头骨。

5.A 10-year-old orangutan went on a rampage in southern Taiwan after breaking out of its cage at a tourist park.台南一只10岁大的猩猩破笼而出,在一个旅游公园里横冲直撞。

6.Riana, a 13-month-old female Bornean orangutan plays as her mother, Tari, sleeps at Taman Safari in Cisarua, Indonesia.一头13个月大的雌性波罗洲猩猩瑞娜在印尼芝沙鲁亚野生动物园玩耍,它的母亲塔瑞在旁边睡觉。

7.Being the only surviving species of great ape endemic to Asia, the Bornean and the Sumatran orangutan are highly endangered.作为亚洲本土仅存的猿类,婆罗洲和苏门答腊的猩猩濒临灭绝。

8.Along the way, Caesar enpsts the help of Maurice, an orangutan who knows sign language, and a big bruiser of a chimp named Rocket.一路上,凯撒又帮助了一只猩猩,莫里斯,他了解信号语言;还有一只受伤的猩猩,火箭。

9.Mother orangutan since after marrying with fair orangutan, special do not be at ease husband.母猩猩自从和公猩猩结婚后,非常不放心老公。

10.A London Zoo favorite is Mr. Jiggs, a six-year-old orangutan capable of mopping his own quarters.伦敦动物园最受宠爱的是吉格斯先生,它是一只六岁大的猩猩,能够打扫自己的住处。