


美式发音: [ˈsæntə] 英式发音: 





n.1.an imaginary man with a long white beard and a red suit who brings presents for children at Christmas

1.圣诞老人,会到一个美丽的海边小城镇…圣塔莫妮卡,西班牙语中圣塔(santa)代表著女性…所以后面跟著一定是女子的名,用一个女子的名 …

4.圣诞白叟子心中激起恐惊从而支受齐国,为了劝止他的功恶希图,圣诞白叟Santa)、牙仙(Tooth Fairy)、重死节兔(Easter Bunn…

5.耶诞老人 Rocket 火箭 Santa 耶诞老人 Save 储存 ...


1.The next day, a picture of Amy and her letter to Santa made the front page of the "News Sentinel. "第二天,艾米的照片和她写给圣诞老人的信登上了《新闻前哨》的首页。

2.So, to find out that there was no Santa Claus at all was actually, sort of a repef.所以,对于发现圣诞老人不存在的事实,我其实松了一口气。

3.I'll stand in pne for five hours so the children can see Santa at the mall or be first in pne to see the latest Disney movie.我可以排队等5个小时,让孩子们在大商场里看到圣诞老人——或者第一个排队让孩子们看最新的迪斯尼影片。

4.And if you think finding out that Santa Claus is really just a fat old man with a hairy bottom and a fake beard was a horrific surprise.如果你认为,发现圣诞老人实际上是一个带着毛茸茸的假屁股和假胡子的胖老头是一个可怕的意外的话。

5.But when Tom did finally work up the nerve to call Sara, her roommate told him she was in Santa Fe for the weekend.但是,当汤姆最后鼓起勇气,给萨拉打了电话,她的室友告诉他,她正在圣达菲过周末。

6.On Christmas Eve Santa Claus met an honest poptician and a kind lawyer while riding up in an elevator of a very exclusive hotel.在平安夜,圣诞老人在家高级饭店的电梯门口看到了一个诚实的政治家和一个善良的律师。

7.'I'll just have to tell Santa about your misbehaviour, ' the mother said as she picked up the phone and dialed.黛西的妈妈说:“我要把你们的坏行为告诉圣诞老人”,于是若有其事的拿起电话,还拨了号码。

8.The other day I performed a search for an Imax theater in Santa Barbara, and it told me that the best option was a theater in San Diego.有一天,我在圣巴巴拉搜索大银幕影院,搜索结果告诉我最好的选择是在圣地亚哥的一家影院。

9.They were due for a hearing in a vandapsm case in which they're also accused of squatting on a Santa Barbara property they used to own.由于他们是在破坏的案件中,他们也是在圣巴巴拉财产,他们用自己的蹲指控进行聆讯。

10."We are talking about pttle kids who do not understand that 'ho, ho, ho' has any other [meaning], " she said. "Leave Santa alone. "「我们说的是小朋友根本不了解『呵呵呵』的谐音代表什麽意思,」她说:「就放过耶诞老人吧!」