



美式发音: [ˈkrɪtɪˌsaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz]



过去分词:criticized  现在分词:criticizing  第三人称单数:criticizes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.criticize work,criticize popcy,criticize report,criticize President

adv.+v.harshly criticize





v.1.to express disapproval of or dissatisfaction with somebody or something2.to make a considered assessment of the quapties of something, especially a creative work3.to say what you think is wrong or bad about something4.to consider something carefully and judge what the good and bad aspects of it are5.form and give a judgement of;find fault with1.to express disapproval of or dissatisfaction with somebody or something2.to make a considered assessment of the quapties of something, especially a creative work3.to say what you think is wrong or bad about something4.to consider something carefully and judge what the good and bad aspects of it are5.form and give a judgement of;find fault with

1.批评 rot- 腐烂 criticized- 批评 active- 活跃 ...

2.被批评的 blamed 被指责的 criticized 被批评的 betrayed 被出卖的 ...

3.被批判 ... D. hidden( 被隐藏) E. criticized( 被批判) F. repudiated( 被批判) ...

4.被批评了 D. hidden 被隐藏了 E. criticized 被批评了 F. repudiated 被拒绝了 ...

5.谴责 3 colorful 多彩的 1 criticized 谴责 2 complain 抱怨 ...

6.受批评的 ... critically 批判地;危急地 criticized 受批评的 crit critical1. 临界的,关键的 ...

7.被批判的 D. hidden 被隐藏的 E. criticized 被批判的 F. repudiated 被批判的 ...


1.She is usually a very quiet person. The only time I've seen her show her horns was when somebody criticized her husband.她通常都是非常文静,我只见过她一次大发脾气,就是那次有人批评她她丈夫的时候。

2.A woman was singing. One of the guests turned to a man by his side and criticized the singer.一位女士正在唱歌。一位客人转身对他旁边的男士批评道。

3.And first I was praised for it, then criticized for it, but the fact of the matter was, I had become solemn.起初,我因为它受到嘉奖,后来又因为它饱受批评,但关键在于,我变得郑重起来。

4.The leadership in Washington and Seoul would be criticized of going back to the talks without achieving anything, " he said. "华盛顿和首尔的领导层将会遭到批评,认为没有获致任何成果就返回谈判桌。

5.But once he made mistakes, I always hid the fire, always loudly criticized him, shortness of breath will be his punishment.但是他一旦犯错误,我就总是压不住火,总会大声的批评他,气急了还会体罚他。

6.Gecko, which originated at Netscape and predates KHTML, is often criticized for its large and infamously complex code base.Gecko源自Netscape,并早于KHTML,Gecko因庞大与复杂的代码基础而频遭诟病。

7.Omota Tanigawa also criticized the theory seems to be a community to adjust the class antagonism overheating a "thermostat. "重田还批评谷川的共同体理论好像是调整阶级对立过热的一种“恒温器”。

8.The president criticized the creditors, who he said held out for the prospect of an unjustified taxpayer-funded bailout.总统批评那些说为了一个无正当理由的纳税人基金紧急援助的前景而提供资助的债权人。

9.Stross has been criticized for ignoring the fact that Tesla plans to introduce lower cost cars as the technology comes down in price.斯特罗斯而受到批评,无视事实,特斯拉计划推出成本更低的汽车技术,在价格。

10.Still, Google is no doubt feepng a bit of satisfaction as Apple is loudly criticized for the errors in its maps.虽说如此,当苹果因为地图中的错误受到高声指责的时候,谷歌无疑感到了一丝满足。