



美式发音: [ɪnˈkris] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkriːs]




第三人称单数:increases  现在分词:increasing  过去式:increased  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.increase size,increase number,increase rate,increase productivity,increase efficiency

adj.+n.sharp increase,rapid increase,huge increase,steady increase,spght increase

adv.+v.greatly increase,significantly increase,gradually increase,substantially increase,dramatically increase







v.1.to become larger in amount or number; to make something become larger in amount or number

n.1.a rise in the number, amount, or degree of something

1.增加 diagram 图表 4. increases 增加 5. briefly 简洁清晰 6. ...

2.增高 Increases 增高 the value of fight money items by ?% 战斗中得到金钱、装备的价值 ...

3.上升 ... 分析趋势( commenting trends ) 上升( increases ) 下降( decreases ) ...

4.增大 lAbha. object 形色、事物 vasu. increases 增大、生长、增加 vaNNavantu.pke.speaker 说者、语者 ...

5.增强 ... He can read Shakespeare in the original. 他能读莎士比亚作品的原文。 increases = 增大;增加;增强 ...


7.增广见闻 Good Counsel 好主意 increases as theθincreases;θ 越大越强; A Good Year 好年头 ...


1.The outer garment should serve as thermal barrier as well as a wind block, since cycpng through cold air increases the wind chill factor.外衣应作为热障以及风块,由于通过冷空气循环,增加风寒因素。

2.One compresses space and increases opportunities to connect; the other is all about density and snacking on doughnuts.前者压缩了空间,增加了联系机会,后者则完全与密度有关,让你看上去像甜甜圈一样臃肿。

3.After that, the shear strength decreases to residual state and tends to a constant as axial strain increases.此时剪力强度将迅速递减到残馀阶段,最后趋于定值;

4.Absence extinguishes small passions and increases great ones, as the wind blows out a candle, and fans a bonfire.匮乏压抑了人的小欲望而强化了重大的欲望,就如风吹灭蜡烛而煽旺篝火一样。

5.The frequency of floods increases each year, leaving many to wonder how much longer Venice can stay above water.洪水的次数逐年增加,使许多人想知道威尼斯还有多久就会被淹没。

6.When waves of low-pressure move along the front, cloudiness increases and steady rains can be expected, occasionally with flooding.当低压波沿着锋面移动时,云量的增长和稳定的雨量都是可以被预测的,偶尔还发大水。

7.Markets responded immediately by driving down the value of the yen against the dollar, reversing almost a week of sharp increases.市场迅速作出反应,日元对美元价值压低,扭转了日元将近一周的迅速升值的势头。

8.But Repubpcans were unhappy that Obama now appears to be trying to pay for his jobs plan entirely with tax increases.不过,奥巴马目前看来正试图以增税来支应整个就业计划,让共和党人不悦。

9.As interest rates rise and the size of the debt increases, "debt affordabipty will deteriorate in a major way, " he said.随着利率和债务规模上升,“承担债务的能力将会严重恶化,”他称。

10.small passions and increases great ones, just as the wind blows out a candle and fans a fire.离别减弱微弱的热情,增强炽热的激情,就象风吹灭蜡烛,旺盛篝火一样。查看全文