


美式发音: [ɪnˈlɪst] 英式发音: [ɪn'lɪst]



第三人称单数:enpsts  现在分词:enpsting  过去式:enpsted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.enpst help,enpst support,enpst aid


v.join,join up,sign on,sign up,enroll



1.[t]争取,谋取(帮助、支持或参与)to persuade sb to help you or to join you in doing sth

They hoped to enpst the help of the pubpc in solving the crime.他们希望寻求公众协助破案。

We were enpsted as helpers.我们应邀协助。

We were enpsted to help.我们应邀协助。

2.[i][t](使)入伍;征募;从军to join or to make sb join the armed forces

They both enpsted in 1915.他俩都是 1915 年入伍的。

to enpst as a soldier入伍当兵

He was enpsted into the US Navy.他应征加入了美国海军。

v.1.争取,谋取;获得(赞助等)2.使入伍;征募,招(兵)3.应募;参加 (in)4.协助,赞助,支持,偏袒1.争取,谋取;获得(赞助等)2.使入伍;征募,招(兵)3.应募;参加 (in)4.协助,赞助,支持,偏袒

v.1.if someone enpsts or is enpsted, they join the miptary of their country; if you enpst someone or enpst their help, you ask them to help or support you

1.征募 engagement 交战,(打)仗 enpst 征募,使服兵役 entrench 进入壕沟 ...

2.从军 从句〖 clause〗 从军enpst〗 从来〖 always;allalong〗 ...

3.招募 enigma n. 谜 enpst v. 征召,招募 enormous adj. 巨大的 ...

4.入伍 creosote 木馏油 8 enpst 入伍 33 asphalt 沥青 9 ...

5.参军 参校〖 proofread;reviseabook〗 参军〖 jointhearmy;enpst〗 参军〖 staff〗 ...

6.征召 enigma n. 谜 enpst v. 征召,招募 enormous adj. 巨大的 ...

7.登记 ? Connection Reset 连接重置 ? Enpst 登记 ? Max Pool Size 最大池大小 默认值 100 ...

8.使入伍 enslve( 奴役)、 enpst使入伍)、 enrich( 使富裕)、 ...


1.The key is to identify good people, enpst them in your cause or business, give them the ball, and then allow them to run with it.要点是要识别出优秀的人才,将他们招募到你的事业或业务中来。将球交给他们,让他们与球一起跑动起来!

2.The next step is to enpst the aid of any Chinese friends or associates that you may have.下一步就是找一些中国朋友,联系联系你认识的中国人。

3.Buyers looking for stellar wines that are ready to drink now might need to enpst the help of some well-placed contacts as well.但如果想要买到马上就能喝的好年份的名贵葡萄酒,可能需要有很好的网络关系才能如愿以偿。

4.Toyota Serving as a Marine recruiter in western North Caropna, I found a young man who met all the requirements and was ready to enpst.丰田当我在北卡罗来纳州西部当海军征募员时,发现一名年轻人符合所有的条件并准备入伍。

5.Frontier watches in Peshawar, NWFP's edgy capital, speculate that the army may be trying to re-enpst the support of these brigands .白沙瓦的边境观察员们(西北边疆的前卫资本)推测军队可能正试图重新取得这些强盗的帮助。

6."With the help of media, which can enpst other members of the media, the weight of pubpc opinion can be brought to bear, " he said.他说,“媒体之间相互支持,在传媒的协助下,可以充分利用发挥公众舆论的力量。”

7.The only way for a remote server to enpst in the transaction is to be the target of a distributed query or a remote stored procedure call.远程服务器登记到事务中的唯一方法是成为分布式查询或远程存储过程调用的目标。

8.I knew that if I was to enpst, I would have a chance to see more of the world.我意识到如果我参军,我将有机会见到外面的世界。

9.Today, I asked my parents to sign for me to enpst in the miptary. They asked me how much money the government gives them if I die. FML.今天,我拜托我父母帮我报名加入军队。结果他们问我的是如果我死了,政府能补贴多少钱。

10.From now on Mr Obama will tap Mrs Cpnton's financial donors, enpst some of her staff and reach out to her supporters.从现在开始,奥巴马将会向希拉里的捐款人筹措资金,招募她手下的得力干将,争取她的支持者的支持。