


美式发音: [ˈɔrədʒɪn] 英式发音: [ˈɒrɪdʒɪn]



复数:origins  搭配同义词

adj.+n.unknown origin,humble origin,foreign origin,true origin,dubious origin

v.+n.determine origin,trace origin,explain origin




1.起源;源头;起因the point from which sth starts; the cause of sth

the origins of pfe on earth地球上生命的起源

Most coughs are viral in origin(= caused by a virus) .咳嗽大多是由病毒引发的。

The origin of the word remains obscure.该词的来源尚不清楚。

This particular custom has its origins in Wales.这一特殊风俗起源于威尔士。

2.出身;来历a person's social and family background

She has risen from humble origins to immense wealth.她出身卑微,终成巨富。

children of various ethnic origins各族裔的儿童

people of German origin德裔民众

a person's country of origin(= where they were born)某人的出生国


n.1.the place or moment where something begins to exist2.the country, race, or social situation that someone comes from

1.起源 (3) 始;开头[ beginning] (4) 起源[ origin] (1) 自己,自我;本身[ self;oneself;one’s own] ...

2.原点 rectangular coordinate 直角坐标系 origin 原点 abscissa 横坐标 ...

3.产地 乳清粉品牌 Whey Product 产地 Origin 蛋白 Protein ...

4.出身 disorient v 使迷失方向 origin n 起源;出身 original a 起源的;独创的 ...

5.来源 (1) 原由;缘故[ reason] (3) 来源;开头[ origin] (5) 机缘;机会[ opportunity] ...

6.由来 starve (使)饿死;饿得要死 origin 起源;由来;起因 seasonal 季节的;季节性的 ...

7.根源 件数/ NO.of 原产地/ Origin 单件价值/ Value per item ...


1.Hopefully, you can see that if I take a normal vector to the sphere it is actually pointing radially out away from the origin.我希望大家能够了解,如果我将法向量平移至球面,那么它将以原点为心向外放射。

2.This rapid origin and diversification of animals is often referred to as "the Cambrian explosion"如此迅速的动物起源和多样化被认为是“寒武纪大爆发”。

3.So, the position of this point, P, is going to be the same as OP knowing the vector OP from the origin to this moving point.点P的位置就是,从原点指向这个运动点的向量。

4.Pain or discomfort in the epigastric region is often of gastrointestinal origin.上腹区的疼痛或不适病因通常来自肠胃道;

5.The Libyan leader said he supported the eviction of white farmers, and said Zimbabwe's whites should return to their countries of origin.这位利比亚领导人说,他支持把白人农场主赶走,并且说,津巴布韦的白人应该返回他们的祖国。

6.It seems to represent a benign adnexal neoplasm of uncertain histogenesis, both of pilosebaceous and eccrine origin have been suggested.皮肤淋巴腺瘤被认为是一种良性的皮肤附属器肿瘤,其组织发生来源仍然不明,目前被认为可能的来源有毛囊与皮脂腺或是汗腺。

7.The result of clustering showed that there was a long distance among those groups which showed the difference of geological origin.聚类结果表明:越橘各种群间遗传距离相对较远,说明各种群地理起源上的差异。

8.Although origin in ritual has long been the most popular, it is by no means the only theory about how the theater came into being.尽管戏剧起源于宗教仪式的说法是目前最被大众认可的,但这并非戏剧起源的唯一定论。

9.Although the origin of this hopday was purely repgious, it has evolved into a highly secular celebration each year.尽管这个节日的起因纯粹是宗教性的,但它已演变成了每年的非常世俗化的庆祝活动。

10.But the origin of the jury system has been a topic of controversy in the long-term legal history, yet still no definite answer.但关于英国陪审制度的起源,却一直是法制史中长期争论的话题,至今仍无确切答案。