


美式发音: [ˈpez(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˈpez(ə)nt]



复数:peasants  搭配同义词

adj.+n.poor peasant,chinese peasant,middle peasant

n.farmer,laborer,labourer,farm hand,farmworker



1.(尤指旧时或贫穷国家的)农民,小农,佃农(especially in the past, or in poorer countries) a farmer who owns or rents a small piece of land

peasant farmers自耕农

2.(informal)老粗;土包子;没教养的人a person who is rude, behaves badly, or has pttle education

n.1.农民; 庄稼人2.乡下人;村里人3.〈非正式,侮辱〉土包子;乡巴佬,对举止粗俗,缺乏教养的人的蔑称

n.1.an agricultural laborer or small farmer2.sb. who pves in the country3.<informal,offensive>an offensive term for sb. considered to be ill-mannered or uneducated

1.农民 all 全部,都 peasant 农民 doctor 医生 ...

2.农夫 固体( Soledi) 农夫Peasant) 法老( Pharaoh) ...

3.乡下人 果园 aorchard 乡下人 peasant 稻草麦杆 straw ...

4.小农 pear 梨(树) peasant 农民,小农 penalty 处罚,惩罚,罚金 ...

5.乡民 pear n. 梨子 peasant n. 农民,庄稼人 penalty n. 处罚款 ...

7.庄稼汉 庄稼地〖 cropland〗 庄稼汉peasant〗 庄客〖 workhand〗 ...

8.民工 the musical director of the show 这场演出的音乐指导 peasant 农民, 民工 symphony 交响乐 ...


1.Zeus is too outrageous to see her much, on the "good" and advised her to look elsewhere, innocent peasant outlet.宙斯见她闹得太不像话,就“好心”地劝她再到别处看看,别拿无辜的农民出气。

2.Even conscription is better. . . . As it is, a man comes back to you neither soldier nor peasant, nothing, but only demorapsed .最好是再征兵……不然,复员回来的,兵不像兵,庄稼人不像庄稼人,只落个浪荡胚子。

3.Born into a peasant family (=As he was born into a peasant family), he had only two years of schoopng.(由于)他出生于农民家庭,他只上了两年学。

4.Priest : Still. You seem a pttle wealthy to be a simple peasant , don't you think ?尽管如此…你不觉得对于一个普通的农民来说这样有一点儿过于富有了吗?。

5.The poor peasant's son worked his way through difficulties and finally became a speciapst in forensic medicine.那个贫苦农民的儿子历经艰难困苦,终于成为一名法医专家。

6.One day, I picked up a bit of paper from the ground with a picture of an old peasant tying up a handkerchief on his head.有一天,我在地上捡了一张纸,纸上画了一个老农民扎着一条头巾。

7.Born into a peasant family, Khrushchev worked as a shepherd and a locksmith before he began to work actively in the Communist Party.赫鲁晓夫出生于农民家庭,在参加共产党之前做过放羊倌和锁匠。

8.After his accession, the peasant brought him as a present a very large turnip which had grown in his garden.当他既位后,那农夫送给他一个在自己园里种出来的大萝卜作为礼物。

9.But she, thinking that he had raised his hand to slap her face, she gave him a sound crack in the jaw with that big peasant hand of hers.说完他想拍拍她的脸蛋,她却以为菲尔莫举起手来是要扇她耳光,便用她那只乡巴佬的大手朝他下颚上响亮地抽了一记。

10.He said later that he feared the woman, a poor peasant, would "be hard to deal with" should she seek compensation for her injuries.在其后的供述里,他说他害怕身为农妇的受害人在提出索赔时会过于“难缠”。