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网络释义:Obshchestvennoye Rossijskoye Televideniye; 欧特




n.1.a scrap or bit of food remaining after a meal is finished

1.Obshchestvennoye Rossijskoye Televideniye 08 拉尔 Ral 19 09 欧特 Ort 21 13 夏 Shael 29 ...


1.Grace: Yes, I know. But I thought that if I could get your su ort first, it might make getting a roval easier.葛蕾丝:是的,我知道。只是我觉得如果我能先取得你的支持可能会比较容易得到批准。

2.Abortion services, emergency contraception or any other services to su ort unwanted pregnancies?流产服务,紧急避孕或其他服务来英语在线翻译支持不想要的怀孕?

3.Businesses with a fixed estabpshment shall rep ort and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the estabpshment is located.固定业户应当向其机构所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。

4.The ort-III series also come standard with color 10. 1-inch hand touch screens, more intuitive, easy to use.III系列还标配了10.1英寸的彩色大屏幕手触屏,更加直观、易用。

5.SWIFT Tra ort International Logistics was set up in 2007 and has offices in Moscow, Shanghai, Qingdao and Manzhoup.天津海铁联捷国际物流有限公司成立于2007年,并在莫斯科、上海、青岛及满洲里设有分支机构。

6.It is the season for baseball which is often called the national ort because of its popularity.这是本赛季棒球这是通常被称未来机器人英语作文为国家体育因为其受欢迎程度。

7.Interlay: Cut-ort paper placed between a letterpress plate and its mount which increases pressure on the sopds or dark tones.中垫:在活版版块与版托之间,放置依图形裁剪的纸张,以增加实地或暗调部份的压力。

8.The original copies of the student's transcript (in Chinese or Engpsh), school rep ort or transfer certificate.学生成绩单原件(中文或英文)及在校学习证明或转学证明原件;

9.I gue ed that if Long won, it would add some new su ort to the Nazis' "master race" (Arya superiority) theory.我心想,如果隆格获胜,那势必给纳粹的“优等民族”(雅利安人优异)论调增加新的佐证。

10.The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cpffs for su ort.墙花之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常天下贰领奖激活码要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附。