




1.巴黎奥利机场福 法兰克福-莱茵-美因国际机场(FRA),巴黎 巴黎奥利机场(ORY),柏林 泰格尔机场(TXL),汉堡 汉堡国际机场(HAM)

2.爱的 (anim+al= 有生命 的东西=动物) (amat+ory= 爱的 ) (am+ic+able= 能爱(你),的=友好的) ...

3.表示…性质的,属于…的 13,-less 表示没有…的 14,-ory 表示…性质的,属于…的。 ),colored 加颜色的, ...

4.奥利机场(Orly) BUH 布加勒斯特 ORY 法国奥雷机场 DTT 底特律 ...

6.草率的 (per+forate 打孔→打孔穿过→打洞) ory→ 没起好作用→草率的) (per+vert 转→转向坏→堕落) …

7.场所 164,-ly… 的,…地 181,-ory… 的,场所,物 189,-ple… 倍(的),或成为…倍 ...


1.To her astonishment, Ory prescribes a love affair to cure her, which leads her to confess her feepngs for Isoper.令她惊讶的是,欧利建议她开始一段恋情以此治疗她的忧郁,于是她承认了自己对伊索列的感觉。

2.When news arrives that the Crusaders are expected back in two days, Ory resolves to stage another assault on the castle before their return.消息传来,十字军们将会在两天内回来,欧利决定在十字军回来之前再一次进入城堡。

3.Ory, impressed by the idea, agrees to help but secretly resolves to use the plan for his own ends.欧利受此想法所感染,同意帮助他,但背地里却决定自己使用这个计划。

4.Then or pain, or wound is restrained or groan for a bent old days song, picture is the st ory of my two.然后,或者痛,或者伤,抑或者哼一曲旧日的歌,像是我俩的故事。

5.Its second (ory-) coordinate is its distance from the XZ plane, with locations on the -Y side of this plane having negative y-coordinates.它的第二个(或y)座标是其与XZ平面之距离,位置是在-Y侧的则有负y座标。

6.OBJECTIVE: To observe the repair effect of the human plasma FN for the refract ory corneal epithepal defect.目的:观察人血浆纤维连结蛋白(N)顽固性角膜上皮缺损的修复作用。

7.It is Ory, who, when left alone with the countess, is barely able to contain his emotions.在与女伯爵独处的时候,欧利几乎不能克制自己的感情。

8.This finding supports the the ory that placebo s reduce pain by encouraging the brain to produce more natural opiates than usual.这一发现支持了该理论:安慰剂是通过促使大脑产生比通常更多的天然麻醉剂来减少疼痛的。

9.When trumpets announce the return of the Crusaders, Isoper reveals his identity and Ory is left with no choice but to make his escape.十字军归来的号角吹响时,伊索列揭穿了欧利的身份,欧利除了逃跑别无选择。

10.During the Three Kingdoms period, the argumentation the ory strove to gain an independent pterary position for argumentation.三国时期的论说文文论以谋求论说文独立的文学地位为指向。