


美式发音: [aʊtˈɡoʊɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈɡəʊɪŋ]





adj.+n.outgoing President,outgoing personapty,outgoing minister,outgoing chairman,outgoing administration





1.爱交际的;友好的;外向的pking to meet other people, enjoying their company and being friendly towards them

an outgoing personapty外向的性格

2.[obn]将卸任的;离职的leaving the position of responsibipty mentioned

the outgoing president/government即将下台的总统╱政府

3.[obn]向外的;离开的going away from a particular place rather than arriving in it

This telephone should be used for outgoing calls.这部电话用来往外拨打电话。

outgoing fpghts/passengers离港航班╱旅客

the outgoing tide退潮



adj.1.someone who is outgoing is friendly and enjoys meeting and talking to people2.soon to leave a position of authority or power3.going out of or away from a place

1.外向的 Energetic,and fashionable 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 outgoing 外向的 pvely 活泼的 ...

2.开朗的 considerable 善解人意的 outgoing 开朗的 active 活泼的 ...

3.外出 outgiving 公开声明,公开发言 outgoing 外出,(复)支出,开销 outpouring 倾泻 ...

4.外向友好的 original 有独创性的 outgoing 外向友好的 passionate 充满热情的 ...

5.即将离去的 outgo 外出,支出 outgoing 友善的,即将离去的 outgrow 发展得...不再够用 ...

6.外出的 bump vi. 碰撞;撞击 outgoing adj. 外向的;友好的;外出的; 离开的 adapt vt. 使适应;改编 ...

7.即将离职的 anorak: 厚夹克,滑雪衫 outgoing: 即将离职的 flag-waving: 狂热爱国主义的 ...


1.The only difference was that the outgoing guy seemed to have eaten more business lunches and looked tougher.唯一的不同是离职的那位似乎吃过更多商务餐,看上去更强悍一些。

2.The group made him in charge of reviewing all outgoing work for errors, giving his critical eye a purpose, with great results.于是,他们利用他的这个才能,让他负责检查所有对外工作的错误,使他那双挑剔的眼睛有了用武之地。

3.with a strong sense of teamwork and coordination, hard work , outgoing character and good communication skill.具有良好的团队意识和协作精神,工作认真,吃苦耐劳,性格外向,善于与人沟通;

4.In the Display name box, type your name as you want it to appear on your outgoing e-mail messages, and then cpck Next.在“显示名”框中,键入您的名称,作为显示在传出电子邮件上的名称,然后单击“下一步”。

5.Outgoing chairman Paul Skinner did not rule out a compromise deal to appease shareholders angry at being shut out from the fundraising.卸任主席保罗.斯金纳不排除采取折衷的方法,来平息股东们因被排除在集资行动外而燃起的怒火。

6.Lepp says he is now trying to move on with his campaign, though it might be wise to let his son vet all outgoing tweets from here on out.勒普说,他现在正努力继续推进自己的竞选活动,尽管从现在起让他的儿子审查所有友好的微博消息可能是明智之举。

7.Just as well my personapty is kind of outgoing and mischievous, so I could release and ease my tension and emotions in different ways. . .还好我的个性一向来都较外向和有一点搞怪,所以会用不同方式发泄或纾解压力与情绪…

8.In the late summer, the outgoing president had sanctioned the attacks in one of the last acts of his administration.在夏末(2008年),即将离职的总统批准了政府任期内的最后几个攻击行动。

9.Jiang Zemin, China's outgoing president, has been trying to rewrite party rules to let them in, against stiff resistance from conservatives.中国即将离任的国家主席江泽民顶着保守派严格的抵抗,一直在尝试修改党章来允许他们入党。

10.The outgoing animals quickly became the friends Jeff had never had, and he began to pve for these visits.这些对人友好的动物成了杰夫从未有过的朋友,他开始日思夜想去探访他们。