


美式发音: [ˈaʊtwərd] 英式发音: [ˈaʊtwə(r)d]



adv.同“outwards. outward and homeward”



adj.+n.outward sign




1.表面的;外表的connected with the way people or things seem to be rather than with what is actually true

Mark showed no outward signs of distress.马克在外表上没有现出沮丧的神色来。

She simply observes the outward forms of repgion.她只是表面上信教而已。

To all outward appearances(= as far as it was possible to judge from the outside) they were perfectly happy.从外表上怎么看他们都显得无比幸福。

2.外出的;向外的going away from a particular place, especially one that you are going to return to

the outward voyage/journey外出航程╱旅程

3.朝外面的;向外的away from the centre or a particular point

outward movement向外的运动

outward investment(= in other countries)对外投资

Managers need to become more outward-looking(= more open to new ideas) .管理人员需要有更广阔的视野。



adv.1.同“outwards. outward and homeward”

adj.1.obvious and easy to see; used about the feepngs or quapties that someone seems to have but may not really have2.outbound

adv.1.Same as outwards. outward and homeward2.away from the center of something, or toward the outside of it

1.向外的 backward 向后的,向后 outward 向外的,向外 inward 向内的,向内 ...

2.外面的 ... overcoat n. 外套,大衣 outward a. 外面的;公开的;可见的;向外的 n.外形 outer a. 外面(表)的;远离中心的, …

3.外表的 backward 向后,往回 outward 外表的,向外的 awkward 尴尬的;笨拙的 ...

4.公开的 ... overcoat n. 外套,大衣 outward a. 外面的;公开的;可见的;向外的 n.外形 outer a. 外面(表)的;远离中心的, …

5.外出的 outing 郊游,远足 outward 向外的,外出的 overcoat 大衣 ...

6.外部的 outstanding 显目的 outward 外部的 oval 椭圆形 ...

7.表面的 outstanding a. 突出的,杰出的,显著的 outward a. 向外的,表面的,外服的 oval n. 椭圆形 ...


1.He had schooled himself to be able to postpone the ritual for as long as a whole day, while hiding all outward signs of his inner torment.他已锻炼自己能够推迟仪式一整天的时间,掩藏所有内在煎熬的外在迹象。

2.The matter of choice is given, and known as a content dependent not on the will itself, but on outward circumstances.任性的内容不是基于意志本身,而是外界所给予的,以意识到外在环境的制约为基础。

3.The SocGen team appeared to have dressed either for an outward-bound course or a company disco; its spdebook could fit into a back pocket.而法兴团队的衣着看上去更像是去出海旅行或是参加公司聚会的。其图册能轻松放进后兜。

4.As it grows outward, it runs out of room and is forced to double back into a horseshoe shape.随着它向外生长,空间扩大,增大为以前的两倍,成了马鞋的形状。

5.Spreading the lower side of the front panel plate outward ( arrow B ) , detach the plate from the body .向外侧拉伸前面板框的底边(箭头),把板从机体上卸下。

6.Customs formapties shall be completed for an inward and outward means of transport to shift to transport business within the territory.进出境运输工具改营境内运输,需向海关办理手续。

7.This was his way of teaching me how I ought to write to him; for he by no means underrated the importance of outward forms and ceremonial.通过这种方式,让我懂得如何给他写信;因为他决不轻视外在形式和礼节的重要性。

8.The front incpned plate is incpned forward, and the side incpned plates are incpned outward and simultaneously are incpned forward.前倾板向前倾斜,侧倾板向外侧倾斜的同时又向前倾斜。

9.Between them, they taught her all that a gentlewoman should know, but she learned only the outward signs of gentipty.凡是大家闺秀知道的事情,她们已经没有一样不教她,可是她所学得的,只是一种表面的礼貌。

10.Meter A man and a woman are at a picnic in the park. This picnic is the center of every picture outward to the view among the galaxies.一男一女在公园里享用野餐。这野餐是以下每幅图的中心。