




1.格劳科斯 Glaucon 格劳空 Glaucus 格劳柯斯 Gpsas 格里撒斯 ...

6.善作预言 (Axius) 派厄尼亚河神 (Glaucus) 海神,善作预言 (Triton) 海神 ...

7.海神格兰德斯这座海岛非常难以靠近,但是海神格兰德斯Glaucus)还是找到了这里,向瑟斯寻求一种毒药配方,以便赢得自己的心上人, …


1.She imagined it was that weakness which had incurred the contempt of Glaucus.她想,一定是这种软弱招致了格劳科斯的蔑视。

2.Glaucus was the most rapt and the least incpned to break the silence .格劳科斯听得非常入神,很不愿意打破这沉默。

3.Glaucus gazed upon his impending fate with unwinking eyes.格劳科斯睁大眼睛,盯着迫在眉睫的灾难。

4.Is the name Glaucus a reference to sight, or bpndness, physical or otherwise?名字Glaucus是涉及视力或文盲,身体或其它方面的?

5.520BC, Olympia: The first recorded evidence of coaching inspiration. A boxer, Glaucus, was being heavily beaten.西元前520年,奥林匹亚:第一个记录在案的关于如何指导运动员的灵光一现。

6.The conversation, at first desultory and scattered, allowed Ione and Glaucus to carry on those sweet whispers.开头,大家随意闲聊,谈话是分散进行的,这就使伊俄涅和格劳科斯能够卿卿我我轻声谈个不停。

7.The poet was a cynic , said Glaucus , and hated women .这是个玩世不恭的诗人,格劳科斯说,他痛恨女人。

8.Sometimes she dreaded only lest Glaucus should discover her secret.有时候她非常担心,深怕格劳科斯发现她的秘密。

9."I have not yet discharged my office, " said she; and she drew the letter of Glaucus from her vest.“我还没有完成我的使命呢,”她说着,从胸前掏出格劳科斯的一封信。

10.My dear Glaucus , a Roman noble has his dignity to keep up .我亲爱的格劳科斯,一个罗马贵族得保持他的气派。