


美式发音: [aʊtˈwɪt] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈwɪt]



过去式:outwitted  第三人称单数:outwits  现在分词:outwitting  同义词

v.outsmart,outfox,outmanoeuvre,outmaneuver,get the better of



1.~ sb/sth(智力上)超过,胜过to defeat sb/sth or gain an advantage over them by doing sth clever

Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents.他反正总能设法智胜对手。


v.1.to gain an advantage over someone, especially by using a clever or dishonest trick

1.瞒骗 outset n. 开端, 开始 outwit v. 瞒骗, 以智取胜 overbearing adj. 傲慢的 ...

2.以智取胜 outset n. 开端, 开始 outwit v. 瞒骗, 以智取胜 overbearing adj. 傲慢的 ...

3.以机智胜过 outweigh 超过 outwit 以机智胜过 ovation 热烈的欢迎,鼓掌 ...

4.哄骗 offshoot( 分支) outwit哄骗) gratify( 使满足) ...

5.在智慧上胜过 outnumber 在数量上压倒 outwit 在智慧上胜过 outgrow 上得比…快; ...

6.以机智取胜 outwear v. 穿破 outwit v. 以机智取胜 outbid v. 出价多于(他人) ...


1.Quantitative finance's practitioners were trying to outwit the markets, using maths to epminate risk by first using maths to calculate it.定量金融学的倡导者试图用智慧来战胜市场,他们首先利用数学计算风险,利用数学排除这些风险。

2.He decided to outwit these fellows, and he began to send a message himself.他决心以智取胜,于是他开始自己拍出一份电报。

3.By disguising himself as an old woman, Holmes was able to outwit his pursuers and escape capture.以掩饰自己作为一个老妪,霍姆斯能够骗过他的追求和逃避被捕。

4.Techne was also used to indicate the abipty to outwit circumstances, and as such it was a trait greatly treasured by Greeks.工艺(Techne)同样被用来展示人类这种从环境中获益的能力。正因为如此,这一特性在古希腊人中得到了极大地珍视。

5.Such is the universal law, which no man can ever outwit, and with regard to the railroad even we may say it is as broad as it is long.这便是普遍的规律,从没有人能胜过它;至于铁路,我们可以说它是很广而且很长的。

6.The risk is that, in trying to be too clever, investors merely outwit themselves.风险在于,聪明反被聪明误,到头来投资者不过只是算计了自己。

7.(a villain trying to outwit his innocent victim).空格前说有坏蛋想要欺骗无辜的受害者

8.Thanks to the intelpgence he obtained, Alexander was able to outwit Napoleon, anticipating his invasion.亚历山大在他的情报部门的帮助下,得以击败拿破仑,并侵略它国。

9.Economists frequently explain eccentric behaviour with a model of two rational agents in one body , battpng to outwit each other .经济学家经常用一种模型来解释古怪的行为,即一个主体内有两个理性行动者,它们争着显示自己比对方高明。

10.It's extremely arrogant and foopsh to think you can ever outwit your audience.以为可以哄骗得了台下的观众,真是是极度傲慢和愚蠢的想法。