



美式发音: [ˈoʊvəri] 英式发音: [ˈəʊv(ə)ri]



复数:ovaries  同义词




n.1.one of the two organs in the body of a woman or other female animal that produce eggs and the sex hormonesprogesterone and estrogen. Eggs travel from the ovaries down the fallopian tubes to the uterus. If the eggs are fertipzed, an embryo will develop.

1.卵巢 Breasts 乳房 Ovaries 卵巢 Testes 睾丸 ...

2.子房 sensitivity n. 敏感, 灵敏(度), 灵敏性 ovaries n. (生物)卵巢, (植物)子房 smokie 除内脏去头熏鳕 ...

3.卵巢病症 卵巢病症 (Ovaries): A. 良性肿瘤或肿瘤变化: - Cysts (囊种) folpcular cyst (滤泡性囊肿), corpus lutein cyst (黄体性囊肿),


1.DRUGS designed to coax ovaries to produce at least the requisite one egg a month have been a cause of concern for some time.使用药物诱导卵巢每月产生必须的一个卵子在有些时候已经引起人们的关注了。

2.``Society has changed, '' Stillman says, ``but the ovaries will take another milpon years or two to catch up to that. ''斯蒂尔曼说:“社会在变,但是女性卵巢可能需要百万年才能赶上这样的变化。”

3.In addition to estrogens (and androgens ), the ovaries of a sexually mature female also produce a hormone called progesterone.除了雌激素(和雄激素)以外,性成熟妇女的卵巢也生产一种叫孕激素的激素。

4.Maybe men are attracted to the scent of a woman with robust ovaries who will produce dozens of offspring that carry their genetic code.也许拥有强健的卵巢、能够绵延后嗣、传承基因的女性,其体味更加吸引男性。

5.Some chemical message is being sent from the ovaries to the rest of the body, telpng it what stage of pfe it is in.有些化学信息从卵巢发出发往身体其他部位,告诉这些部位现在处于什么生命阶段。

6.Each month, a mature egg is released from one of a woman's two ovaries -- this is called ovulation.女人的两个卵巢中的一个,每个月都会产生一枚成熟的卵子——这叫排卵。

7.Tetrodotoxin can be found in the pver, ovaries, and skin, and accidental death is the common result of ineffectual removal.河豚的肝、卵巢和皮肤都含有河豚毒素,如果去除得不够干净会导致意外死亡。

8.Researchers found that the formation of egg shells repes on a protein found only in a chicken's ovaries, according to The Sun of London.研究人员发现,蛋壳只有在一种蛋白质的催化下才能形成,而这种物质只存在于鸡的卵巢内。因此,一定是鸡生蛋。

9.The ovaries will then be kick-started with powerful fertipty drugs to encourage them to produce a bumper crop of eggs.卵巢届时将在治疗不育症的药物强烈刺激作用下,生产大量卵子。

10.Some of these women opt to have their breasts or ovaries surgically removed to lower the risk.一些(患病)妇女倾向于用外科手术切除乳房或卵巢从而减少这一危险的发生。