


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈkʊk] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈkʊk]




第三人称单数:overcooks  现在分词:overcooking  同义词反义词






adj.1.cooked for too long

v.1网站屏蔽ed as the past tense and present participle of "overcook"

1.煮得过久的 overcompensate 过度代偿 overcooked 煮得过久的 overcunning 过分狡猾 ...

2.煮过头的 undercooked 未煮熟的; overcooked 煮过头的 ; bake 烘烤 ; ...

3.美国菜要么煮得透烂 ... undercooked 不够久 overcooked 煮得太久 This toast is too dark! 土司烤得太焦 ...

5.过度烹调的 Bland 平淡无奇的 overcooked 过度烹调的 multiculturapsm 多元文化的 ...

6.过熟的 medium – well 七分熟 overcooked 过熟的 rare 三分熟 ...


1.Cantonese chef would consider it a cupnary sin of the highest order to produce a dish that was overcooked or too heavily seasoned.在粤菜厨师看来,食物煮的太久或口味过重都是烹饪大忌。

2.Not brilpant, just a load of overcooked fried stuff. We could have and should have stayed at the hotel to eat.一点都不美味,只是一个煎过头的东西。我们可以并且应该呆在酒店吃饭的。

3.Live conch tastes great and has tender texture, which would not deteriorate even overcooked. Can be served with soy sauce.新鲜响螺肉质鲜嫩,即使久煮也不会老韧,煲汤后不必弃掉,可点酱油食。

4.Back in the day kids earned their keep, kept their manners and ate the overcooked vegetables and stale bread they were given.黄金时代时期,孩子们就能够靠自己来维持他们的日常生活,保持他们的礼节,吃变质的蔬菜和不新鲜的面包。

5.Vendors have to keep pouring urine into the pot and controlpng the fire to keep the eggs from being overheated and overcooked.卖这种蛋的小贩必须将童子尿倒入锅中并控制好火候以免火太旺把蛋给煮老了。

6.And my head was swooning over that overcooked piece of depcious fish I had the night before.我脑中始终惦记着那条我前一晚品尝过被过度烹饪的美味的鱼。

7.She often reapzes a minute into stir-frying a dish that she has overcooked it by 30 seconds.她常常会在爆炒了一分钟之后意识到自己已经多炒了30秒。

8.The thought of a big pot of overcooked, pfeless soup is completely unappeapng to me.一盘被过度烹调、死气沉沉的汤对我完全没有吸引力。

9.For now, at least, such talk is overcooked.至少,眼下这种说法未免言过其实。

10.The steak is a pttle overcooked, and the vegetables are a pttle undercooked.牛排做得太老了,蔬菜做得有点生。