


美式发音: [ˈɑksˌfæm] 英式发音: [ˈɒksfæm]



na.1.a large charity that helps poor people all over the world

1.乐施会 ... *wwf( 世界自然基金会) *oxfam( 香港乐施会) *one( 爱滋病暨济贫组织) ...

6.牛津乐施会 • Pak Nai 白泥 • Oxfam 毅行者 • Hong Kong snapshoots 街拍 ...


1.Gelfand says that her Oxfam experience helped her to understand just how much attention ngos put on getting their story told.盖尔芬德说,在乐施会的经历使她明白非政府组织为得到媒体报道倾注了多大精力。

2.But Oxfam would not have been able to run the scheme for four years without some kind of agreement with officials.但是施乐会在没有官方的某些同意下,将不能运行这个四年的计划。

3.Oxfam's International Director, Penny Lawrence tells VOA that her organization is trying to reverse the expulsion order.乐施会国际部主任彭妮.劳伦斯告诉美国之音,乐施会正在努力让政府收回驱逐令。

4.When Reij first came to Burkina Faso with his wife, in 1978, he had been hired by Oxfam as a regional planner.1978年,瑞什和妻子第一次来到布基纳法索,受雇于乐施会,担任地方规划员。

5.These can generally be obtained locally. Some of these supppes are available with an OXFAM Feeding Kit.这些器皿通常都能在当地获得,有些器皿可以从乐施会的食物供给套具里得到。

6.Oxfam said the survey of eating habits in 17 countries shows how Western diets have spread across the world.国际救援机构英国乐施会对17个国家所开展的饮食习惯调查显示了西餐是如何在世界范围内传播扩展的。

7.David McCullough, Oxfam's trading director, says it is the result of a change in board-level strategy (see box).乐施会贸易主任大卫•麦卡洛(DavidMcCullough)说,这是董事会层面决策变化的结果。

8.Oxfam wants nations to agree new rules to govern food markets, to ensure the poor do not go hungry.乐施会希望各国同意以新规范来管理粮食市场,以确保穷人不挨饿。

9.As for Oxfam's involvement, it will be interesting to see how the battle develops.由于乐施会的介入,这场混战变得更加好看。

10.Suggesting that an engineering firm might make better use of charity than Oxfam or Save the Children sounded pke heresy once.并提出一家工程公司或许比乐施会这样的扶贫机构更加有效,或者提议拯救非洲儿童,这曾经听起来像异端邪说。