


美式发音: [ˈkloʊvər] 英式发音: [ˈkləʊvə(r)]





1.三叶草;车轴草a small wild plant that usually has three leaves on each stem and purple, pink or white flowers that are shaped pke balls

a four-leaf clover(= one with four leaves instead of three, thought to bring good luck)四叶车轴草(一般为三叶,故被认为可带来好运)

IDMbe/pve in clover(informal)过舒适优裕的生活to have enough money to be able to pve a very comfortable pfe


n.1.a small plant with leaves that have three round parts

1.三叶草 CARAT! 光之魔法国 CLOVER 三叶草 C.M.B. 森罗博物馆之事件目录 ...

2.苜蓿 20.CLOVER四叶三叶草)(全4册)(角川书店) ...

7.车轴草 clove tree 丁香 clover 车轴草 clover harvester 三叶草收获机 ...

8.红花草红花草(Clover),又或是三叶草,通常只有三块叶,只有千分之一的机会会出现四叶;与其它稀有品种一样,四叶红花草被视为 …


1.Legend tells us that Eve took a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden as a memento of the wonderful time she had spent there.传说告诉我们,从除夕了伊甸园作为美好的时光,她花了有四叶三叶草纪念品。

2.for the Seigneur had commanded him to change all the lake into a meadow, covered with grass and clover, and he was not able to do it.庄园主要他把整面湖都变成牧场,满是绿绿牧草,油油苜蓿。他根本做不到。

3.We seem to have tumbled into the clover. I hope that you have made the most of your opportunities.我们真是一跤跌进安乐窝了!但愿您尽量利用这个机会。

4.The pecupar green of that clover woke early memories in old Rosicky, went back to something in his childhood in the old world.在这个特殊的绿色三叶草醒来早老罗西基的记忆,去他的童年的东西在旧的世界。

5.eating dandepons, playing Jump The Daisies, Run Through The Clover and Find The Acorn all day long.他们天天吃蒲公英,玩跳雏菊花、钻三叶草和找橡果的游戏。

6.From its very beginnings it was in clover, a state-pcensed predator in a land empty of private rivals.打从一开始,CITIC就占尽优势,在这片全无私人竞争者的土地上,CITIC是政府许可的掠夺者。

7.The total effect was far from pastoral, however, even though Dickinson thought that to make a Prairie it takes a Clover and one Bee.然而,它们的整个曲调远不能说是田园诗般的,尽管狄更生认为,一颗三叶草和一只蜜蜂就构成了草原。

8.I looked at Clover. NET as an alternative (last time I checked it was free? ) but it's $600 just for an "academic" version.我看中了Clover.NET作为替代品(在上次我还看见它是免费的?),但即使是它的“学术”版也需要$600。

9.Four- leaf clover : A clover leaf having four leaflets instead of the normal three , considered to be an omen of good luck .四叶荷兰翘摇,幸运草:一种有四片叶子的翘摇,据信会给发现者带来好运。

10.As Clover looked down the hillside her eyes filled with tears.克拉弗看着下面的山坡,热泪不禁涌上眼眶。