


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈraɪp] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvəˈraɪp]





1.过熟的too ripe

overripe fruit熟过头的水果


adj.1.overripe fruit is too soft and does not taste very good2.things such as stories or movies that are overripe contain so much emotion that they seem silly. A more usual word is sentimental.

1.过熟的 overloading ① (吃得)过饱 ②超负荷 overripe 过熟的 oversaturation 过饱和 ...

2.颓废的 评论|depraved 颓废的 overripe “颓废- decadent” ...

3.爆裂者 ... unwilpng( 不甘) overripe爆裂者) detect( 侦察者) ...

4.烂糊 ... 烂醉如泥 completely drunk 烂糊 overcooked;overripe 烂漫 ;brightly colored ...

5.衰败的 ... 衰败 retrogress 衰败的 overripe 衰败区 bpghted area ...


1.After that, we shall surround and undermine the U. S. A. , which will fall into our hands without a struggle-pke an overripe fruit.接着,我们要包围并逐渐破坏美国,它就会像一个成熟的果子一样,毫无反抗地落入我们手中。

2.Overripe tomatoes can be peeled directly, by piercing the skin with a knife and grasping it between the thumb and blade it off.太熟蕃茄可以直接剥皮,将刀子放在番茄与拇指之间并刺穿入它的外皮。

3.Overripe, very dark bananas make for flavorful banana bread. Instead of throwing them out, bake them into a great dessert.熟透发黑的香蕉可以做成香气浓郁的香蕉面包,把它们做成美味的甜品,不要扔掉。

4.Put out some overripe bananas with a few holes on a platform above head level.在比人头高的平台上放些扎了洞的过熟香蕉。

5.Long sentence, if overripe in mind, always inspired me to read more books, read good books!这句早就烂熟于心的话,时刻激励着我要多读书,读好书!

6.The fruiterer picked over a stock of plums and removed the overripe ones .水果商把好的李子挑出一批来,把过熟的加以剔除。

7.Although 2009 has left me is a good memory, but in order to better memories, we have to say two words in mind overripe - fuel!虽然2009年给我留下的是美好的一段回忆,但是为了更好的回忆,我们不得不说出两个烂熟于心的字--加油!

8.red pear-shaped tropical fruit with poisonous seeds; flesh is poisonous when unripe or overripe.红色的梨形热带水果,籽有毒;未成熟时或过熟时,果肉有毒。

9.The tangled, overripe Queensland rain forest becomes a mirror of their states of mind.纷乱衰落的昆士兰雨林折射着他们的心境。

10.It's kind of a hollow, flabby, overripe.有点空空的、松松的、过熟