



美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈsi] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈsiː]



过去式:oversaw  过去分词:overseen  第三人称单数:oversees  现在分词:overseeing  同义词




v.1.to watch something in order to check that it works or happens in the way that it should

1.监督 Organized 组织; 改进; 增加; ? Oversaw 监督; Planned 计划; ...

2.视察 Overhauled 检查 Oversaw 视察 Participated 参加 ...

3.看管 oversee 监督;审查; oversaw 看管,管理; overseen 视察;监视 ...

4.监视 ... operated 作出,工作;运作;运转 oversaw 监视;监督;管理;看管 performed 履行;执行;完成;做 ...

5.管理 oversee 监督;审查; oversaw 看管,管理; overseen 视察;监视 ...


1.He took formal charge of the rupng Peronist movement, routinely gave orders to ministers and oversaw economic popcy.他正式登上执政的裴隆党全国主席,定期向各部会首长发号施令,并监督经济政策。

2.In theory, Whitehall officials and ministers back in London oversaw the empire.从理论上说,伦敦白厅官员与部长们监视帝国运作。

3.The White House also oversaw a furious pubpc relations effort to sell the sweeping package of energy reforms as a jobs creation programme.白宫还导演了一场轰轰烈烈的公关活动,把这项大规模能源改革议案作为一个创造工作机会的计划来推销。

4.Opver Letwin, similarly centrifugal in his instincts, oversaw the manifesto and is among the most powerful shadow-cabinet members.OpverLetwin的本能同样离心,他负责审查宣言,并且是影子内阁最有影响力成员之一。

5.He even went so far as to break up the party bureaus that oversaw the economy, prompting an abortive coup by hardpners.他甚至解散了负责监管计划经济的苏共机构,导致强硬派发动了政变。

6.He arrived about noon and later was seen by his cardiologist, Dr. Allan Schwartz, who oversaw the procedure inserting the two stents.他中午到达后来就被检测出心脏病,Dr.AllanSchwartz,他主管两个支架的插入。

7.Prior to this he was president of Imaje USA, where he oversaw the building of the company's Atlanta-based manufacturing operation.在此之前,他是美国总统依玛士,在那里他负责建立该公司的总部设在亚特兰大的生产作业。

8.As founder and CEO, Entrekin oversaw marketing, product development, sales and services for the company.作为CEO和创办者,Entrekin总管公司的市场,产品开发,销售和售后服务。

9.In a year's time, Poggle personally oversaw the execution of Hadiss, who died by acklay-claw.一年后,波格尔亲自监督哈迪斯的死刑,后者死于阿克雷的爪下。

10.Laurence Evans, who oversaw the poll for Edelman, a consultancy, said it reflected "the age of sovereign risk" .国际公关公司艾德曼负责此项信任度调查的劳伦斯·埃文斯说这一现象反映了“主权风险的出现”。