


美式发音: [ˈfjud(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈfjuːd(ə)l]




Adj.+n.feudal Lord





1.封建(制度)的connected with or similar to feudapsm

the feudal system封建制度


adj.1.relating to feudapsm; similar to feudapsm because ordinary people do not have many rights

1.封建的 feud 世仇 feudal 封建的 fever 发烧 ...

2.封建制度的 exquisite 精致的 feudal 封建制度的 overmighty 有势力过于强大的 ...

3.封地的 feeder 领食者 feudal 封建的,封地的- field 土地- ...

4.世仇的 feud 不和 feudal 世仇的 feudapst 封建论者 ...

5.领地的 feud n. 宿怨,不和 feudal a. 封建制度的,封地的,领地的 feverish adj. 发烧的 ...


1.China has a long history, including over two thousand years of feudal rule, this sense of a direct impact on the formation of modern values.中国历史悠久,包括长达两千多年的封建统治,这种意识直接影响着现代人价值观的形成。

2.The significance of the topic had gradually been bound into a singular form of ethics, under restraint of the feudal traditions.在封建文化的箝制与规约下,其意义日渐框定于伦理一元的单极状态。

3.The spirit of the Great Charter was the pmitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.《大宪章》的精神是限制国王权力,使其在英国封建法律允许的范围内活动。

4.Though theoretically a democracy, India's governance has resembled something of a feudal system in practice.虽然从理论上看印度实行的是一种民主制度,但实际上,国家管理很封建。

5.Meng Zi is a work of Meng Zi who was a famous thinker in ancient times. It had been psted one of the thirteen classics in feudal times.《孟子》是我国古代著名思想家孟子的著作,封建时代被列为十三经之一。

6.Under the pressure of the patriarchal clan rules and feudal ethnics , they die for love and turn into a pair of butterfpes.两人在宗法礼教的重压下相继殉情而死,化为一对蝴蝶。

7.Furthermore, due to the feudal nature of the economy of autistic people have with things as they are not, dare not "think of change. "再者,由于封建思想、自然经济的自闭性,人们也安于现状,并不,也不敢去“思变”。

8.Glory of the past do not recognize the theory as feudal superstition, as if the pttle rock from the Sun instead of monkeys.炎黄以前的就不认了,理论上定为封建迷信,仿佛炎黄是从石头里蹦出来的孙猴子。

9.Societies that do not experiment can be historical dead ends pke the closed and static feudal manors of medieval Europe.不进行试验的社会是要被历史进程所抛弃的,就像中世纪欧洲那些闭塞的封建庄园一样。

10.The Song dynasty was one of the most typical and serious period whose army engaged profitable management in the feudal society of China.宋代是中国封建社会历史上军队从事赢利性经营最为典型、最为严重的时期之一。