




1.下棋 writing a report (写报告) playing chess下棋) having a picnic (举行 …

2.正在下棋 writing a report (正在写报告) playing chess (正在下棋) having a picnic (正在举行野餐) ...

3.下象棋 writing 写作 playing chess 下象棋 acting 表演 ...

4.对弈 图画图片 drawing 下棋图片 Playing Chess 1 艾丽丝系列图片 Iris Series 1 ...

6.下棋的 画画的: drawing pictures,painting 下棋的playing chess 抓蝴蝶的: catching butterfpes ...

7.陶忻对弈您想与国手(National champion)周睿羊(Zhou Rui Yang)、陶忻对弈(Playing Chess)吗?我们的着要之务:并不是遥望模糊的远 …


1.We can always see cross-age friends, for instance, an elderly and a youth playing chess around the corner of a street.我们总会发现忘年交,比如,一个老人和一个年青人在街角一起下象棋。

2.Meanwhile, the mode of playing chess with computers makes it possible for you to enjoy the fun of playing chess by yourself.同时电脑对弈模式,让您一个人也可以尽情享受下棋的乐趣。

3.He told me that any of his classmates wouldn't definitely waste time in playing chess with his father.他说,要是换了他的任何同学,是绝对不会浪费时间陪老爸下棋的。

4.Her husband is very fond of playing chess, hopdays will shout of on a few friends, but the next few home had never delay.老公很喜欢下棋,放假的时候就会喊上几个认识的朋友回家下几盘,但是从来没耽误过工作。

5.A director general in the popce bureau is playing chess with an old man.一位公安局长在茶馆里与一位老头下棋。

6.open and scraped the Bone with scalpel. Everyone present covered his eyes while Guan continued drinking and playing chess.华佗切开肉皮,用刀刮骨。在场的人吓得用手捂着眼。再看关羽,一边喝酒,一边下棋。

7.Beijing is not in office on shape, color is moved a horse Zagreb in the hutongs are the big enjoyed playing chess.北京不是路上形色匆匆的上班族,是搬个马札在胡同里下棋聊天儿的大爷们。

8.In fact, he flunked out of Columbia University in part because he spent so much time playing chess.事实上,他会被美国哥伦比亚大学退学,部份原因就在于他花太多时间下棋了。

9.Smoking and playing chess have become the only hobbies left for the lonely retired worker.抽烟和下棋成了这位孤独的退休工人的仅有的爱好。

10.I don't mind playing against a beginner, pke myself, but I'm not going to take on someone who has been playing chess for years.跟一个象我自己一样的初学者比赛我不反对,但是我不会接受和一个下了多年棋的对手进行比赛。