




1.原谅你 Do you forgive me? 你能原谅我吗 Forgive you? 原谅你 For what? For not being able to pick up? 因为什么 没能接起电话吗 ...


1.It hurt me more. . . but I gonna have to let you go. All the thing that you did, I will never be able to forgive you. . . I'm so sorry.这伤害我太深了…但是我不得不让你走。你所做的一切,我永远都无法原谅你。我很抱歉。

2.You know, being a mother myself I've made mistakes That rival if not outshine your own. And I forgive you.你知道,我自己作为一个母亲,我也犯过错误,跟你比有过之而无不及。所以我原谅你。

3.Courage! You don't have the heart to hurt others! Brother, thank you for your love, please forgive you forgive my weakness!勇气!你更不忍心伤害别人!傻哥哥,谢谢你的爱,请原谅丫头原谅丫头的懦弱!

4."But there's one thing that I won't forgive you for, that you didn't invite me to your wedding, " said Claudia, this time with a hurt voice.“但是有一件事情是我无法原谅你的,就是你居然不邀请我参加你的婚礼。”克劳迪娅说道,这次她的声音中充满了痛苦。

5.It has to be a pke a fairytale wedding and if it isn't perfect then I'll never forgive you.它应该想童话故事里面的婚礼一样,如果它不完美,我将不会原谅你。

6.If that's your way of saying no, then I'm glad to hear it. Cause Blair will never forgive you for what you did to her.如果你是想否认我也不介意因为Blair永远不会原谅你对她做的事

7."And I don't forgive you for being late for dinner, " broke in Lord Henry, putting his hand on the lad's shoulder and smipng as he spoke.“我也不会原谅你吃饭来迟了,”亨利勋爵插嘴道,把手搭在小伙子肩上,笑嘻嘻地说。

8.Okay, well, I suppose that I can forgive you. Hey, you know what makes me feel all out of whack?有什么东西会让你反常啊?我不知道,赶快赶快,告诉我啊!

9.Tell them, "For a long time, I was angry and resentful about this, but I have decided to forgive you unconditionally and l let it go. "告诉他们,“长久以来,我一直对这件事耿耿于怀,但我决定无条件地去原谅你们,让这件事就此过去。”

10.It shows us that even if you are a murderer of the Son of God (v. 36), God himself stands ready to forgive you!它向我们表明,即使你是上帝的(诉36)儿子的凶手,上帝自己随时准备原谅你!