




1.推我 You want to fix me 你想修整我 Push me 推我 Into your fantasy 到你的幻想里 ...

2.催促我 ... (The return of Casanova, 卡萨诺瓦的最后恋情) 的拍摄。 (Push me, 催促我), (Chinese torture, 中国式炼狱), ...

3.争取我 ... satisfaction,satisfaction,satisfaction 满足,满足,满足 Push me 推开我 And then just touch me 然后触碰我 ...

5.向我推进 ... Push me 向我推进 And then just touch me 然后轻抚我 ...

6.益智推推乐 Machinarium 机械迷城 试玩版 Push me 益智推推乐 Button X 20 按钮大战 20 回 ...


1.Of course, my pfe isn't all croissants and Pellegrino. Sometimes I'm concerned my parents are trying to push me out the door.当然我的生活不全是牛角面包和Pellegrino啤酒,有时候我担心父母会把我赶出家门。

2.Urgent things push me to go back home, but I have eggs on the spit. Recently people are busy , I have to cheek it to ask help .有急事要回家,但是手头有事,没时间订票。最近大家都忙,只好厚着脸皮求助呗!

3.I found myself racing the clock to finish this manuscript and get it in print. There was a force that continued to push me.为了完成手稿出版,我觉得自己在跟时间赛跑,有一股力量不断地推动着我。

4."Different opinions stir scepticism and push me to look into the issues more carefully before coming to a conclusion, " she said.不同的意见引发怀疑,促使我在得出结论前更仔细地观察问题。

5.If I stepped between the two of them while we were all walking along the Zambezi River, she'd push me out of the way.我们一起在赞比西河散步时,只要我走在他们俩之间,她就会将我推开。

6.Sometimes I'm concerned my parents are trying to push me out the door.有时候我会担心我的父母会不会哪天将我赶出家门。

7.i miss you so much, but, i can't speak to you, i can only care about you silently, don't push me out of the door, ok?我真的好想你,但是,却不能对你说,只想默默的关心你,不要把我拒之于门外好吗?!

8.I'm only trying to help you out. You shouldn't be push me around pke this.我是在帮你的忙。你不应该这样指使我啊!

9.Hey. . . don't push me so far. I have already explained to you kindly. But you are very rude! I have had enough with your temper!嘿……不要把我推这么远。我好心和你解释,你却如此粗鲁!我受够你的臭脾气了!

10.You pped out your own shoulder when you were trying to push me off of the platform!你想把我推下去才弄伤自己的肩膀的!