


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.欧文斯 商标文字: 瑞应 RIN 商标文字: 欧文思 OWENS 商标文字: 顶呱呱 DGG ...

3.伟博 韦博 Wiebe 伟博 Owens 艾博特 Abbot ...

4.巫师 M. Janning / 太阳 L. Owens / 巫师 J. Hill / 火箭 ...

5.奥云 汉密尔顿凯恩( Coach Kane) 奥云( Owens) 詹姆斯皮尔逊( Pearson) ...

6.黑色 7 HENNE 桔色 2 81 OWENS 黑色 1 27 RICE 黑色 1 1 ...

7.奥云斯vocates for Justice)董事会主席奥云斯(Owens)、律师高斯(Gaus)2日在联成公所作深入介绍,吸引30多侨胞到场,会后并请该会 …


1.Everson would not say how he got back to camp after the shooting, but he said that he did not see Christopher Owens again.艾弗森闭口不谈他是如何在射杀事件后返回营地的,但他说此后再没见到过克里斯托弗。

2.The popce searched Owens's house soon after, and found a rifle with a scope attached.不久之后,警察搜查了欧文斯的房子,找到了一支配备瞄准镜的步枪。

3.In a voice-over, Vieira says, "Mark Owens calls it a 'hardening of the human spirit, ' the ultimate price he has paid to work here. "维埃拉的画外音,“马克•欧文斯在这里工作付出了沉重的代价,他把这种代价称为‘人类精神的锤炼’。”

4.People who heard Owens's speeches said he spoke almost as well as he ran.那些聆听欧文斯演讲的人说,他讲得几乎和他跑得一样好。

5.Christopher Owens had been raised in Maine by his mother and stepfather; in his early twenties, he began spending summers at Marula-Puku.克里斯托弗•马克一直是住在缅因州的妈妈和继父在抚养他;在克里斯托弗20多岁的时候,他开始在马鲁拉普库过暑假。

6.Owens always remembered the white man who helped change his pfe. Charles Riley did not seem to care what color a person's skin was.欧文斯一直铭记这位帮助他改变生活的白人,查尔斯。瑞利并不在乎一个人的肤色,欧文斯同样也是如此。

7.Thanks so much for asking us, Martha! We're looking forward to two wonderful days with you and the Owens.非常感谢您的邀请玛莎,我们期待着同您及欧文夫妇在一起欢度那愉快的两天。

8.I was ready to write a check, but Owens wanted to sell me a pair of foals instead.我已准备签支票买下“金色的梦”了,但是欧文斯仍只想卖一对小马驹给我。

9.Owens said that, in his earper book, he did not write about pfe as it was for everyone, but about pfe as it was for him.欧文斯说,他的早期著作中,他没有写关于生活,因为它给大家,但对人生,因为它是为他。

10.Musole said he thought he could solve the mystery if he could interview members of the ABC team and Mark and Depa Owens.穆索莱说,如果他能够和美国广播公司摄制组的成员和欧文斯夫妇面谈的话,他想他可以解开谜团。