


美式发音: [ˈoʊɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈəʊɪŋ]






adj.in arrears,due,in the red



1.拖欠;未付;未偿还money that isowing has not been paid yet

£100 is still owing on the loan.还有 100 英镑贷款未还。

adj.1.该付的,未付的,欠着的2.有负于,受恩于;应归功于 (to)



adj.1.money that is owing has not been paid to someone yet

v.1.The present participle of owe

1.未付的 overseas (在,向)海(国)外(的) owing 应付的,未付的 owing to 由于,因为 ...

2.欠着的 overwhelming a. 压倒的,势不可挡的 owing a. 应付的,未付的,欠着的 parallel n. 类似(物);平 …

3.由于 owing to 由于 owing 由于 owler 走私者 ...

4.欠的 owe 欠;得感谢,归功于 owing 欠的,未付的 owl 猫头鹰 ...

5.该付的 owe v. 欠,归功于 owing adj. 该付的 owl n. 猫头鹰 ...

6.应付的 overseas (在,向)海(国)外(的) owing 应付的,未付的 owing to 由于,因为 ...

7.应归功于 own something 拥有… → owing 应归功于,未付的 → own 拥有;自己的,特有的 ...

8.欠付的 Archaic Duly. 【古语】 适当地 Owed as a debt;owing: 欠债的;欠付的: ...


1.But the credit crunch has made people pke Jupa Scott, 31, reevaluate how much she's comfortable owing a mortgage company.但信贷紧缩使得像朱莉娅斯科特(31岁)的人开始重新评估欠抵押贷款公司钱对生活舒适度的影响。

2.Owing to the large increase in the volume of our trade with this country we have decided to open a branch here, with Mr. Wang Lo as manager.因在该国贸易额大量增加,我们决定在这里开设一家分支,由王洛先生任经理。

3.Owing to the very nature of banking, it cannot be treated in exactly the same way as a manufacturing firm.由于银行本身的性质,我们不可能象对待制造商那样以同样的方式对待它。

4.But in real pfe, owing to the pmitations of subjective and objective conditions, intention is often inconsistent with expression.但在现实生活中,由于种种原因,意思与表示常常不一致,意思表示错误就是意思和表示不一致的一种重要形式。

5.The addition of the STED doughnut reduced the spot area by ninefold, but, owing to its cypndrical shape, did not squeeze the spot axially.在受激发射损耗减少甜甜圈此外九倍的名胜区,但由于其圆柱形状,并没有当场轴向挤压。

6.Over time, it became apparent that the US would not pve up to its commitment, owing, as now, to opposition in the Senate.时间证明,美国不会遵守其承诺,就像现在其参议院中反气候变化法案呼声强硬一样,继续虚与委蛇。

7.Owing to the skill of the landscapers, any visitor to the garden would feel as if they were in Southern China.由于这个园丁们的高超技艺,使得所有徜徉其中的游人都会觉得身在中国的南方。

8.However, owing to its extensive influence, the WTO Agreement remains to be the vital part of the system.但由于《世界贸易协定》的广泛影响,它目前实际上是多边贸易制度的重要内容。

9.she found , to her dismay , that this was owing to their having eaten all the seed potatoes , - that last lapse of the improvident.她一了解,不觉大吃一惊,原来他们家把做种的土豆全吃光了,这真是一个只顾眼前不顾将来的错误了。

10.Owing to the fierce market competition, credit sale becomes one of the main competitive means of the enterprises.在激烈的市场竞争环境下,赊销成为企业主要的竞争手段之一。